The Eighty Feet Bonsai

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Begin your story with 'It was raining hard that night. In my hurry to get into the house, I didn't notice the black car parked across the road. I realized something was wrong ....'

It was raining hard that night. In my hurry to get into the house, I didn't notice the black car parked across the road. I realized something was wrong when a girl clad in a black overall and high heels got out of the car looking around for some help. Perhaps her car had broken down. Just when I walked towards her to enquire , a black Limousine parked itself close to her and she denied getting in. The woman completely drenched began to walk down the road struggling to balance. Once the Limo left ,I followed her to make sure she was safe. It seemed that she was trudging aimlessly. Probably drunk.

We reached a small overbridge connecting the town and she removed her footwear at once to balance  herself on the wall as if she had her mind on taking a dive or maybe fall over. I pulled her back but she resisted. I again pulled her and she lost her balance thankfully to fall on the safer side of the bridge and she passed out.

Next morning ,as she found herself on my couch she wept like a baby. I knew something was majorly wrong with her but left her alone. She spent the next two days with my family as if she belonged here. Nowhere to go ,nothing to do. Mum and dad just let her be. She ate ,slept ,smiled on a repeat mode. But, her peace was short lived when a middle aged man ,seemingly her Dad came to our doorstep. Voices were raised , and she left with a lot of anguish in her eyes.

Days passed but the time she  spent with us was imprinted on my mind. I missed her even though she did not speak a word. Never in those few days. She happily helped in house chores  and ate meals whole heartedly.

That night while I was in a hurry to get into the house since it was raining, I saw the same black car parked at the very spot it was earlier. For a second ,I thought I was hallucinating and later smiled at my eagerness to see her. Before I could, the door opened by itself and she stood on the other side. We celebrated X'mas weekend together and she was the happiest she could be. Next morning,I found a letter on my desk. It read...

'Hey stranger,

You have been amazing ! I am Rachel Parker, the most popular teenage sensation. An insta influencer and a mentor to the new age teens, I propagate how to live a happening life. I was born to be a star and not a human. When you are blessed with impeccable beauty and ambitious parents , your fortune becomes a misfortune.. I was that bonsai plant ,pruned and controlled in an attractive pot within the realms to be exactly 9 inches tall or else I would become useless. Since I could no longer be a role model to my followers. What it was like living with a normal family I felt in your home. For you and your parents I was just a guest who was treated with utmost love and care.

For the first time ever, I felt like being home. Where I could do or eat or go anywhere anyhow without being eyed on. No pretensions ,no likes, no comments, no insecurity of losing your popularity to a new face. I had no fears. No parents to nag me for putting on that extra kilo for I will lose my charm. The best part was neither you nor your family knew who I was yet welcomed me with such warmth that I found out what I was missed in my life. True beauty lies in being peaceful within without any fears. Witness true love and care amidst a simple way of life where all you need is your home ,the safe abode where you can be yourself and do not have to be a successful avatar. 

Thank you for bailing me out the mayhem I was going through. I am off to a Chef school in South Africa. Pursue A Culinary Course and spread love through my food. Shall be back next Xmas, to my home. Can I ?

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