Mag.Article-Thinking About Nothing

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Yawn. A lot of the time I just sit in my room spinning around in my chair, thinking about absolutely nothing. Confessing that I'm bored is practically impossible for me, because online, all over thousands of websites is ways on how to get rid of it. Pick up a new hobby, do some DIY, read a book, clean your house. It's like you're not allowed to be bored at all. Saying so is like you're not engaging with the rest of the world, or you're just wasting time.

Time moves slowly when you're bored. The german word for bored expresses this feeling. Its langeweile, which is a compound made up of lange (long) and weile (while). It feeds into the perception that boredom is akin to torture for hours on end. However, people don't realize the stunningness of boredom. It can help us understand time and most importantly- ourselves. It doesn't have to be about anything specific, just encountering time itself. With all the technology around us, it's hard to get that time to just do nothing.

So embrace the feeling of boredom. That moment in time where you aren't distracted by anything at all. It's the intense feeling of time while being untouched by beauty, pleasure or comfort. See what you think about when you get bored and it can fill empty hours while teaching you how to sit and just be in the present. Boredom is really just thinking about nothing. 

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