Unexpected telephone call

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Lindsey plopped on the couch with an exasperated sigh.Today was a long day. Business hadn't been going too well lately, leading for every day to be a monotonous routine of scrambling through their exhausted bit of creativity for fresh ideas.Her thoughts came to a halt with the familiar blair of the phone. Strange. No one calls anyone when it's almost past midnight, Convincing herself that the call wasn't from a creepy stalker,she hesitantly got the phone close to her.Letting out a weak 'Hello.'

The other line was silent for a few moments, and Lindsey had already dialed the emergency number.' Lindsay', a quivering nostalgic voice croaked out. She stood stupefied at the oh-so familiar tone.

'Harry', she called out, desperate for answers.

'Yes, yes, it's me, sister.It's been four years. How? Where were you?'said Lindsey frantically.

Warm tears streamed down her face. Her brother, who ran away from home without a single word, just called.

'I know you have a lot of questions. And now I am back in town. Can we meet me, you, mom and dad?' said Harry apologetically.

' Wait, you are back? '

'Yes, I got back a few days ago. Can we meet please?'

'Why did you leave?' She cried out

'Questions. So many questions. Everything was suffocating me. I couldn't afford a breath ever.Constant nagging and bickering over petty issues ,I could not stand.Just because I wanted to be a rapper and pursue music ,he labeled me 'bootless'.So I decided to do what a 17 year old me thought was the best.Elope. That was the best option. '

'You could have talked to us. To me. Wasn't I there for you?', Lindsey wailed.

' I know. I'm sorry!'

' Did you know Mother hasn't had a proper meal in four years because she believes she doesn't deserve it? And.father hasn't laughed wholeheartedly. Still clinging on to the emotion of your loss.'

'I'm really sorry, love. I had no other option. Please give me one chance to explain myself.'

Lindsey took in a deep breath, trying to calm the surfacing emotions.

'Pizza Hut at 6:00 o'clock tomorrow evening, the one we used to visit each Sunday' said Harry affectionately.

'Yes!', she said jovially.

'Thank you, I love you!'

The line went silent and Lindsey whispered. 'Ah, I love you too!' Lindsey tossed her phone aside, grinning wide thinking they would be fine. 

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