Locked In

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Write a story entitled' locked in' starting from the moment when you realize that you cannot get out.

Staring at the drab walls with hammering eyes seemed to be the only way to break them and get out of the hell hole. Tears had evaporated owing to my fuming desperation and anguish and frustration had transitioned into helplessness with my every yell on deaf ears. All attempts to break open the door exhausted me enough to collapse any moment.

Enraged, I thrashed books on the door thinking of Sarah , her monstrosity, the moment when I entered here. The whole library replicated my emotional and deceitful abuse. Sarah could have asked me not to contest for the school captain candidature. She could have played it fair. After all being a friend since the kindergarten years deserved that much respect. I wondered what brought me here!?My foolishness of trusting people blindly or not being smart enough to protect myself from posing dangers. But how?Does that mean not to trust people ? Does that mean not to help them when they ask to get a book from the library which they could have got it too but I didn't read into it?

The school was about to close for a long weekend, perfect planning and meticulous execution when my parents were away and I had plans to stay with Sarah but she had other plans in her head.

It wasn't easy to cope with deception, which has always been my biggest challenge and I faced it .I flung books to wade off my anger. I was trapped- hungry - duped.

Just then ,I spotted a book next to me. Preachings of Bhagwat Geeta and why Abhimanyu could not get out of the Chakravyuh. He could not as entering is easy but one needs to learn life lessons to get out of it. The biggest one being , every human has the power to deceive so it's our endeavor not to fall prey to them. And if at all we do, accept your reality and face it not punishing ourselves but using them as a growth opportunity. The fact that I was surrounded by books was the light at the end of the dark tunnel which I followed in those hours of hostility. Books reassured me of help and protection. I surrendered. i managed somehow.

Soon heard unlocking of the door...

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