'Where on the earth have you been?

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'Where on the earth have you been?' piqued Rachel. Things have not been great since the time they heard the news of gangsters eyeing their town. A sense of fear hovering each time Binny stepped out. Sometimes they felt ,shelter home was at least safer if not benign. The duo have been managing to do odd jobs for that name sake airbnb. Their twinning made them strong enough to fight the world. While Rachel worked in the day at the salon, Binny managed to sell his sweet delicacies at the school canteens. In the night , they wandered in the lanes where rich folks proclaimed their territory. Binny was happy the way he was but,Rachel dreamt of being one of them some day.And Binny hoped to see that happen some day. Binny was her only family and friend.

Mrs.Smith ,the school head, wanted to see Binny in her cabin. Binny faintly nervous about what that could be for. Upon reaching her cabin, he found his ideal Jim baker sitting in the room.Jim baker runs a popular confectionery brand in the town and a you tube sensation. Binny followed his recipes by every inch and managed to earn a living. It was a dream-like scenario sitting next to him. Mrs Smith admiringly said,'Binny ,Mr. Jim's son happened to take your sugar free treats at home. Jim is quite impressed with your work.'

Jim stood up and said, ' Would you like to work with me ?'

Binny replied , 'What for ?'

Jim grinned. He shook hands and said' Welcome to Baker's Den ! See you tomorrow sharp at 10. Binny was still in awe ,what could that be for. The next day he was offered a job at the Bakers' for a whopping 10,000 dollars at one his outlets in California.It felt like some movie scene going on where the protagonist gets his due. He got delayed reaching home. Rachel barged 'Where have you been?'. Binny held her hand and shared the news. Rachel had teary eyes for she truly felt orphaned that day. That one person whom she can trust was going to leave her and go.

Binny left the next morning without meeting Rachel. Months passed and there was no text or call from him.Rachel missed the time they were together.She focused on her work more than ever which earned her money and fame. But, Binny was not part of this.

A year passed. It was thanksgiving night.Rachel was walking back home ,passing by the same place where Binny and her transpired a good life.Ironically ,she had the good life but not him.

This sudden urge of seeing Binny drew her to that ramshackled home where they lived once.

Her eyes could not believe what she saw next. Binny sitting outside their home.

Binny smiled and asked ,'Where have you been ?'

Rachel hugged him tight and said ,'Was out there looking for you!'

They went to the rich-folks territory and celebrated their success. Binny whispered gently, 'Success comes when we are triggered,disappointed and left alone to battle.'

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