Endeavoring Pain

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Write a story that involves your attempt to cook a meal for others.

'There she comes, Miss Perfect' whispers the entire class when I enter. Miss Perfect of course -with beauty, brains and riches;alongwith,a perfect family of four. I had them all ! What more?Seemingly, there was nothing that I lacked. But, something was missing. There was nothing I looked forward to in life. People could not see how perfect life becomes unsettling and wearisome that lacks passion. Superfluity is distressing. Nothing to ask for, strive for, desire for is the worst feeling ever. I wanted to break free from this so-called comfortable situation. I wanted to feel pain in my life.

Mom, dad didn't know how to react when I decided to leave home. They knew I would not deter, so they succumbed to my will. Derisively, I left home- my perfect life in search of pain.

Finding a job and home was not painful at all owing to my credentials and skills. With no luxuries also there was no pain. I did not interact with family or friends, even my boyfriend believing that separation may bring pain. But there was no pain felt. Managing home and work was peaceful too. My thirst for pain was dying out with every challenge I could meet at ease.

I almost withdrew from my aspiration of feeling pain ,that's when sleeplessness took over soon.

To combat - I began to take mid-night jogs. One such day I spotted a few homeless digging through garbage bins.I was aghast to see ,they foraged for leftovers. Seeing them devouring what people leave in trash was appalling and repulsive. Their helplessness brought me tears. Those pizza sides with no cheese on it and morsels of food left in boxes by the fortunate ones fill their appetite.From one trash to another ,the entire night of scavenging bits and crumbs for their survival.

Upon reaching home, I opened my trash to see the amount of food I discarded. Visuals of leftovers brought me excruciating pain imagining how they must be eating all of this. The next thing I did was rush to the grocery store and return to cook a meal for them.A meal that took me a lot of effort to cook.Next night, I offered them fresh food, which they devoured splendidly. While I walked back with soaked up food packets that I had carried , my heart was filled with compassion in return.A realization dawned upon that answered all my questions.

Instead of finding joy- pain- accomplishments, how about finding a way to be of service to others.Be it emotionally, monetarily however we could.Feeling others' pain and helping relieve that brings peace within.One feels passionate about living a meaningful life.Finding the true purpose of our existence.Be kind. Have empathy. Strive for communion. Being there when they need you is what life is all about. Pain is universal whether it's ours or others.

Glossary : superfluity - excess ,over abundance

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