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Write a story with the title 'The Prize'.

Collecting prizes turned into a fetish for big brother since the time he won his first one. I still remember the day when he won the first prize at the annual day for singing' Summer of 69' at the school fest -he was an overnight sensation. He was that perfect child for my parents who never lost. Soon our living room shelves could not room those prizes and trophies so they were escorted to our room. Every single night, I gawped at them with envy and jealousy for my bro and pity for myself. I was helpless ! Parents were too busy ensuring bro is given the best to continue his feat and all I had was a couple of friends who needed more help than I did.

I grew up in an environment where every house party and family outing was all about the hows and the whats of the latest prize won . I felt non -existent in the house. However, I made peace with it by not even by default grabbing one such shining metal with my name engraved on it ever. Mom and dad were good people, I do not blame them. I was a loser. I got used to my negligible existence on this planet which resulted in my being a highschool dropout and a few failed relationships whereas Bro became a successful techie and a family man.

Things were consistently going great in my life till I met Jake. I never knew he lived in the neighborhood until he accidentally broke my window pane with his robust kick. Before even I could utter a word ,he kicked even harder this time and the ball swung at me with unimaginable force. I escaped the shot but the door didn't. It was shattered. I was in a state of complete disbelief. When I stepped closer ,he hugged me hard and began to cry like a baby. Jake needed help just like me when I did at his age. The only difference was - he was left alone as his parents were too busy claiming their prizes and had no time to acknowledge his. There was this instant connection between us and we filled the emptiness in our lives as we shared ,we played , we laughed together.

We started an after school Fun club in the community where children could come and let out all their anger and frustration that prevents them to win those prizes that they wish for. It values their presence and finds people like them who can listen and help each other through difficult times.

Jake turned out to be the ultimate prize in my life ... 

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