How am I going to explain THIS?

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Write a story begining with 'How am I going to explain this ?

How am I going to explain this ? Cleaning my wardrobe has been rain checked for a decade. An avalanche breaks down when I attempt to move the books to find that little space to write on the desk. I am helpless. Its not at all easy being a high school topper. Mom understands ! she has been very wise not to enter a space where wearing a mask is cautionary and seeing the sight is repulsively ghastly. Imagine making this home look like how mom left it , it shall take me nine lives. How I wish this to be my ninth life!? Mom and dad would get that once in a lifetime opportunity to kick me out of home. Really! And if not them , the law would put me behind bars under violation of home dignity rights. It will be an open and shut case. Rightly so. This house with its dozen inmates for a sleepover begged for mercy last night. But they were like a fascists army which had intentions to ruin my existence in this territory .And would anyone believe that it wasn't my fault...

In my worst night mare also I would NEVER let my pals smell my being home alone. They are like pests that live and grow the most where unwanted. News of parents away spread faster than ChatGPT doing my Literature assignments. The next thing I saw: a pride of lions courteously rung the bell seeking permission to PREY.

Mom and dad would walk in anytime soon. What could be the best explanation of this home abuse. Robbers ransacked home in sheer frustration of not finding any valuables(dad needs to introspect) when I was away at a friend's for a sleepover. Or the civic authorities used our home to shelter refugees. I mean how will I explain crumbs of food parked safely on mom's snow white carpet. Honestly, it needed embroidery which she didn't want to accept. Wrappers ,cans ,bottles parked themselves everywhere except the bin. Popcorn kernels found the best hideout in the leather couch Dad invested in for his retirement. Refrigerator was stripped off every food. The only respite was that drinks spilt on the floor. Pals are not that bad.

Last night's fun turned into clearing the mess for the next countless nights. I envisioned myself being grounded Television deprived ; rationing on using phone but the worst would be to clean my room. I am doomed!!

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