Journal entry

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Sunday 27th February 

I can remember so clearly the way those monstrous winds dumped snow on every inch of land, not even letting leaves or people witness the day. Honestly, looking back at the moment just makes me laugh. The situation was way too cliché. I mean, does it that sound like it is straight up from a dramatic movie. It is inevitable for something to not go wrong in the middle of the winter. Things were a little different for my case though. 

My husband is out there blindly throwing bombs at someone who is throwing bombs at him for God knows who. And, you cannot expect me to not panic when a man comes to deliver a letter which is quite obviously related to my husband. To be frank, I did not even notice the man at first. It was my son's laughter. They'd actually diverted my attention towards him. The frigid climate did not face me, but a mere letter had made me frozen. I had to compose myself, though I could not let a kid who does not even know how to button up his sweater yet know about my anxiety? Thankfully, everything is fine. You have no idea how great it felt to let out that breath of relief I was involuntarily holding for so long. The words' I am doing splendid' still brings tears of joy in my eyes. Ernie is fine. He may come home soon.

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