“Come on!" Poppy whispered, lowering a sticky hand toy like a rope so the four of them could slide on down.

“Floyd!" Branch exclaimed quietly as he ran up to his imprisoned brother, whose purple eyes widened at the sight of him.

“Branch?" he gasped in disbelief. “Is it really you?"

“Yeah, it's really me," Branch confirmed as Floyd slowly got up on his feet.

“Wow, you've really grown into that vest," Floyd realized. “You're... a man now."

Branch sighed in relief and hugged the diamond. “Finally, somebody gets me!"

Poppy couldn't help but smile as Floyd hugged back. Even though they couldn't touch physically, she could tell they felt pure brotherly love through one another.

“Hi, Unkie Fwoyd," Flower greeted, gently tapping on the bottle.

“Who's this?" Floyd wondered, looking down at the little princess.

“This is Flower," Branch introduced, picking up his daughter. “She's your niece."

“She takes after her father," Floyd said with tears in his eyes. Branch had never felt prouder than he did in that short-lived moment. “But you need to leave. Right now!"

“No, Floyd, it's okay!" Poppy insisted. “We're here to rescue you!"

“No, th-this is a trap!" Floyd warned them. “Velvet and Veneer, they... they lured you here! You gotta leave before they come back! Hurry!"

“No!" Branch argued. “I'm not leaving here without you!"

“Branch, please. Do it for me."

“I told you BroZone would show up!" a voice said as the five Trolls heard footsteps approaching and the door opening.

“We'll save you Unkie Fwoyd," Flower quietly promised as Branch carried her back up the rope. Poppy did the same thing with Tiny.

“My letter worked!" Velvet continued to gloat as she and Veneer carried Rhonda into the room. “I'm a genius!"

“Are you sure you're sure about that?" Veneer asked his sister, but she was more focused on looking around the room, thinking she saw something.

As the small team retreated into the air ducts, they noticed a familiar, rainbow-haired Troll frozen in a block of ice and jammed halfway into one of the fancy shoulder pads Velvet was wearing. Noticing her friends, Willow just barely darted her eyes side to side so they would notice Clay in the other shoulder pad, trapped in a diamond. Veneer wore similar attire, holding John Dory and Bruce.

“Oh, no!" Branch gasped. All of his brothers were taken!

“Ow! It's biting me!" Veneer cried as Rhonda struggled to break free from their grasp. “Put it in the closet! Put it in the closet!"

After Rhonda was thrown into a closet, Velvet yanked the ice block out of her left shoulder pad.

“Throw her in there, too!" Velvet commanded. “She's no use to us."

I beg your pardon?! Willow wanted to shout (kind of hard to do when your mouth is frozen), feeling offended. Before knowing it, she found herself locked in the closet with Rhonda and some hairy, orange thing.


Outside, Velvet grabbed Floyd's bottle and shoved him into the empty shoulder pad.

“Floyd!" all three of his brothers exclaimed, happy to see him again.

“Brothers," he said, feeling a little better to be reunited with them. Even if they were all being held hostage.

“It's so good to see you!" John Dory said, delighted. “We would've been here sooner, but there was this teenager who was being a brat, and these guys wouldn't stop yelling at each other!"

“Hey! She wasn't a brat!" Bruce shouted defensively.

“Guys, please," Floyd groaned, not wanting to see his brothers fight again.

“John Dory," Clay interrupted, “you're the one who parked in the spot marked ‘Reserved For BroZone!' Didn't that seem a little sus to you?!"

“Oh, so it's my fault?!" John Dory yelled.

“Oh, look!" Veneer laughed as the brothers continued arguing. “They're even cute when they fight!"

“Ow! Stop!" John Dory shouted as Veneer playfully tapped on the diamonds holding him and Bruce.

“What are you doing?" Floyd asked in exasperation. “Come on, man! You're better than this!"

“Well, thank you!"

“I really don't see why you're so upset," Velvet said. “At least we're putting your talent to good use! I mean, you're welcome!"

“What?! You're sick!" John Dory exclaimed in disgust.

Veneer rolled his eyes. “You mispronounced ‘Thanks for not letting our talents go to waste anymore, Velvet and Veneer!'"

“Come on!" Velvet said to her brother. “They're waiting for us on the red carpet! Let's go autograph some butts!"

“Oh, that's fun! I'll grab my butt marker!" Veneer replied as they headed back out the door.

“They got my uncles," Flower muttered tearfully. Branch noticed his daughter's pained expression and felt an intense heat burning inside of him.

“Not for long," he assured her, and they headed back down. Once they got to the ground, they opened the closet door back up to find the ice block Willow was trapped in stuck to Rhonda's tongue. After shaking the ice off, Rhonda then spat out the hairy orange thing, whose bespectacled eyes got watery.

“Aw, it looks like you need a hug!" Poppy said sympathetically as Branch nodded in agreement. At that moment, the sobbing thing named Crimp grabbed Poppy with two skinny purple arms and pulled her in for a tight embrace.

“Okay, now who's sibling is this now?" Tiny asked as he sucked on the binky.

“Uh, a li'l helf, fleas?" Willow mumbled.

“I got you, Will," Branch said, pulling a hammer and chisel out from his hair. After one light tap, the ice shattered and Willow was finally free!

“Th-th-th-thanks-s-s-s-s..." she shivered before heating her body back up to turn the frost on her skin into steam. “Never thought I'd end up back in the closet."

“Where's Synth?" Branch asked.

“Synth got away," Willow answered. “And I hope that's a good thing."

Trolls Band Together (feat. Flower and Willow)Where stories live. Discover now