Walking Out

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"Flower, are you okay?" Willow asked the year-and-a-half-old princess. They were already on their way to Mount Rageous with Tiny driving. "You've seemed a little down since we left the golf course."

"I don't know, Wiwwow," she muttered.

"Is it about Aunt Viva?"

"Kinda," Flower admitted. "She saids I wouldn't understand her pain because I'm a wittle kid. I'm not stupid just because I'm a baby... am I?"

"Can I be real for a sec?" Willow asked Flower, who nodded. "You are the smartest, sweetest Troll I know. Especially for a Troll your age. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had the same empathic abilities I did."

"But why would Auntie Veev push me aways?" Flower asked. "I was just twying to help her."

"Sometimes, the past can be difficult to talk about," Willow explained. "You know my mom wasn't very nice, right? And I've been silent about it for so long. Just thinking about her and... Well, even though I'm in a better place now, it still haunts me. Same thing with Viva and the day she lost your mom and grandpa. Does that make sense?"

"I guess so," Flower replied. "Is she gonna be okays?"

"I don't know," Willow admitted. "All we can do is hope she'll come around."

"Okay," Flower said, and got down to continue her drawing. Willow, then, noticed Branch had been watching her the whole time.

The teenage Troll raised an eyebrow at him. "What? Is there something in my teeth?"

"You remind me of him," Branch said.


"Floyd," he answered. "He always seemed to know just what to say, too."


"Hey, Branch," Floyd greeted sweetly. It was Baby Branch's first show, and Floyd could tell he was nervous. "How you feeling?"

Branch turned to his big brother and said, "I feel like I'm gonna barf and pass out and..."

"And pee your pants all at once?" Floyd finished.

"How'd you know?" Branch asked.

"You got the preshow jitters," Floyd explained. "Completely normal. Everyone gets them. You wanna know what I do when I get them?"

"Barf, pass out, and pee your pants?"

Floyd laughed. "I remember that I'm with my brothers. And that when we come together, there is nothing that we can't do."

"But no one's ever hit the Perfect Family Harmony before," Branch pointed out. "Is it true it can shatter diamonds?"

"Yeah, it's that powerful."

End of Flashback

"Uh, thanks," Willow said. "I think."


Not wasting another moment, John Dory, Bruce, and Clay squeezed into their old BroZone outfits and Branch slipped on his Bitty B glasses (and a diaper he had long outgrown). Against a bright, colorful backdrop, the four brothers and Poppy began singing and dancing to one of BroZone's top hits.

Branch: There ain't no stoppin' us, stoppin' us

We ain't pressin' rewind

Bruce: Rewind

Clay: Rewind

Poppy: A-rewind-duh!

Branch: The sky was the limit

Trolls Band Together (feat. Flower and Willow)Where stories live. Discover now