ch82 a legendary escape

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Moving through the hail fire of bullets and explosions alike ran entei, Raikou and suicune. sprinting through them with David and his friends riding atop their backs. Their objective was to leave the city as fast as possible but they had company approaching behind them.

Reveneons and houndooms gave chase, firing beams of poison and fire at the 3 legendary pokemon. Fast moving aircraft tried strafe runs on the trio but none worked.

Lily and jenna armed with their rifles they were quick to shoot at the fast approaching reveneon.

David: Kirlia use dazzling gleam, souryuu Zankouken!!!

David shouts aloud, in response kirlia rose to her feet and readied her blade before reeling it back and swinging it in a diagonal downward slash.

A blade of wind erupted from the slash and traversed straight into one of the houndoom cutting it down with a devastating cut. It falls to the ground dead as several houndoom were quick to replace it.

David grit his teeth as he used his rifle to try and shoot the houndoom and Reveneon. Lily and jenna helped but not by much, kirlia looked up to David and nodded her head.

Kirlia: David, help me!!

Looking down to the petite fairy type kirlia and David share an embrace before having kirlia fully transform into her hyperesonant state.

David: you got this.

Kirlia with a powerful flap of her wings takes to the skies above making the 3 legendary pokemon watch with glee. Entei was the first to speak aloud, glee evident in his voice.

Entei: Fly high kirlia!!!

David: go for it!!!!

With her blade in hand kirlia quickly descended with immense pressure before flying alongside David and unleashing a powerful beam of fairy energy straight into the path of several houndoom.

A pink explosion occurs creating a smog that blocked any and all vision. The 3 legendary pokemon pivoted on their feet and made a quick right turn as kirlia slid to a halt and swung her blade once more.

She took a deep breath before flapping her wings once before spinning in the air with a powerful jump.

Kirlia: Kazenifukarete sakuramau!!!

With one swing a blade of wind flew forward, she spun again and another blade followed and lastly as she lands to the ground she swung her blade in a wide sweep and a blade of wind followed.

The 3 manifested blades of wind traversed quickly and forcing the houndoom to dodge or retreat but not the reveneon. One reveneon that led the pursuit roars with an unholy shout before sending a powerful beam of purple and toxic energy into the incoming attacks.

Reveneon roars once more in order to engage kirlia but she was already catching up with entei and the others.
Now furious the reveneon ran after but leaped into the ruined buildings, rising in altitude of the small buildings while maintaining speed.

David: that's not good, Kirlia keep an eye on the reveneon, I'll take out our pursuers.

Reloading his rifle with yet another stripper clip kirlia leaped towards the reveneon that was running parallel with the group. She engaged the reveneon directly before David pulled out a pokeball.

David: Braixen I need you, use your hyperesonance and full power flare blitz!!!

Tossing the pokeball into the air Braixen manifests with blistering light and heat. She lands infront of the sprinting legendary pokemon as 3 tails of bright blue flames formed around her.

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