
90 3 0

Force palm
Shadow claw
Aura sphere
Bone rush

Flame thrower
Fire blast
Solar beam
Flare blitz.

(Ignore this part. This has no important story purpose. Just a reminder for me.)

3rd pov

A few days have passed since the emergence of the rather militaristic evil organization known as the scarlet knights, it was because of their reveal Some of David's secrets had been shared with ash and the others. Even kirlia was surprised by the turn of events.

To make it short. The scarlet knights have sent recon scouts to kalos for a reason unknown and the strength they posses is immense. Capable of leveling buildings and instantly knocking out pokemon with a single move. The pokemon they carry are far more capable of David and ash's pokemon.


It is early evening for our heroes as they make way to get their third gym badge, they decided to stop for a late lunch before making way once more before nightfall, and since everyone found out David has really good skills as a chef they designated him as the cook of the group, something David has taken pride of.

David: and lunch is served. I present you with fredducino alfredo (I probably butchered it) with cheese made with alfredo and moo moo milk I can guarantee it has a thick texture of delicious melted cheese, followed with a side of mashed potatoes. I hope you enjoy?

All: thank you David.

Everyone began to dig in and almost immediately everyone's eyes were filled with highlights.

Bonnie: mmmmm its sooo goood.

Bonnie held her cheek as a light tint of pink formed on her cheeks. Serena followed alongside ash and clemont.

Serena: this is delicious, oh man, David you have to be some sort cooking encyclopedia because I've never heard of fredducino alfredo.

Ash: yeah me either, man this is soo good.

In a anime like expression ash ate all of the alfredo with one big bite.

David:Ah jeez, if you guys are gonna eat like this I might just make some more for you guys."

Ash let out a laugh before grabbing a forkful for pikachu.

Ash: here buddy, you gotta try this. Its borderline heavenly.

David turned red before sheepishly scratching his head. After a few seconds he himself took a seat and helped himself to the food he prepared.

David: oh wow, this is good.

Kirlia: kir kir kir kirlia ahhhh (hahah, well you made it silly, of course its gonna be good. Now say ahhhhh.)

Kirlia held a forkful of fredducino before turning to David. She had a smile on her face before leaning in.

David still with a blush gladly accepted the gift, after a quick heartfelt moment between the two the conversation went from how delicious the food was to what happened a few days prior.

Bonnie: hey uh David? Ash?

Hearing the names the two trainers they turned to the sister of clemont.

David: yeah?

Ash: what's up?

Bonnie pondered on the question before asking, the eyes of ash and David narrow a bit at the question she asked.

Bonnie: how are you two feeling? About the bad people we encountered?

Ash: they are powerful I'll give them that.

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