ch36 another arc

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4 days later.

The night was young in luminose city, all was quiet with the occasional trainers walking around the city perimeter casually talking to one another about a vast variety of topics.
For once in kalos as of recent, it was peaceful.

Or so they thought.


The shouts of nurse joy rang out through several city blocks surrounding the pokemon center.. she sounded rather irritated as for the reason? Welp just watch and see.

Professor sycamore, iris, bianca, bianca and Alder walked in with bags under their eyes before spotting the aggrivated nurse.

Cilan: this daily routine is leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Why is David so insistent on training at this time of night... so distasteful.

As much as the others would like to agree they couldnt dislike David too much. The last 4 times David managed to sneak out of the pokemon center the worst thing they've been doing was reading books Gary and anita gave them.

But with David and his partners creating shenanigans it caused distress everytime they left, sure it was for a good cause for the future but it oftentimes put themselves at risk.

Iris: jeez, he is such a kid. Why else is he doing so much for training apart of the obvious?

No one knew the answer so no one answered the question. Seconds later iris sighs and leaves the building while waving her hand above her head. She speaks while yawning clearly feeling irritated by the reoccurring events.

Iris: alright let's get going, professor sycamore brought us a van for us to use.

Bianca: yeah ok, let's go!!

Bianca was probably the only one who was really enthusiastic about retrieving David from his training, evidently so as she was quick to pass iris and hop in the front seat.

Bianca: I wonder how much stronger David and his pokemon have gotten, the last time we brought him back braixen was meditating in her hyperesonant form.

Alder: I also wonder as well. Braixen and Lucario were trying to maintain their hyperesonant form hmmm. Sounds to me David wants them to regulate their bodies energy consumption.

Iris, cilan and sycamore understood what alder was saying except for Bianca who looked rather clueless. She tilted her head to the side because of it.

Bianca: why would David want that?

Alder hops in the van and leans back against the head rest before resting his eyes a bit.

Alder: so that their forms can last longer. Kirlia appears to have somewhat achieved this and it looks like she's working on something with a sword.

Cilan: swordsmanship? Sounds delectable, do we know how far along they are with that?

The unovian champion shrugged not knowing the answer to the question, but it did intrigue everyone oresent, what was his intent? His inspiration to travel this path? His ambition? His goal?

No one knew the answer apart of mere speculation.

In the forests of kalos on the other hand David and his party was actually taking it easy, sure galvantula had a massive role in persuading David but they were all resting in a physical sense.

Braixen and Lucario were nearby a shoreline of a lake while galvantula and kirlia were busy reading some books that Gary and anita gave them. David was with them also reading it.

Kirlia: it was really nice of Gary and Anita to lend us some books on swordsmanship. Alot of this is really useful, some of these texts can be helpful with Lucario and Braixen.

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