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David pov

5 hours later

It wasnt long until I finally awoke, the smell of morning dew and the light of the morning sun gently entering the tent was the cause of my stir.

Exhaustion was very much still in my body, a slight headache pounded in my mind as I slowly forced myself awake.

My eyes open to see that Braixen and riolu had already awakened. They yawned before they turned to me with a very happy expression. Riolu leaped up with excitement his ears perking in the process.

Riolu: Riolu!! (David you're awake!!)

The humanoid pokemon leaned in and gave me a hug, braixen followed with a smile evidently on her face. The two pokemon embraced me with such affection that it nearly drove me back onto the futon I slept on.

"Riolu, braixen. I'm glad to see you guys are alright and well rested."

The two nod with Glee as another sound enters my ears. A gentle hum in a tune that sounded weak and coarse.
I turn to the source of the sound to see Kirlia just barely awake, her eyes were just open. Our eyes connect ed for a moment and my worry expanded.

I sit up and gently grasp her hand, my smile fades quickly to that of worry. I squeeze it gently as kirlia attempted to sit up. I place my other hand onto her forehead and guided her back down onto the pillow.

"Kirlia, get some more rest. You need it."

Kirlia hesitated just briefly before lowering her head once more. I let out a hum before rubbing her hand, she smiles and moves my hand to her cheek.

Kirlia: D-David... a-a-are you ok?

I nod in response. Riolu and braixen lean onto my shoulders with a grim expression. Kirlia takes notice and lifted her hands to me, I let out a chuckle before taking a seat next to the fairy type.

Kirlia lifts herself up and places herself onto my lap with her head resting on my chest.

Kirlia: what happened David? What else has happened?

Kirlia had a look of worry plastered on her face, I gently pull kirlia and the other pokemon towards me. I take a deep breath before explaining what had happened.

"There are survivors... my aunt and uncle are apart of them."

The trio's eyes widen at the mention of my Aunt and uncle. Kirlia looked up to me with a look of interest.

"They have been staging a resistance against the knights ever since the destruction of my village."

The thought of a coordinated operation between two forces was that reminiscent of a future war. The very aspect of a war in the time of now was and is unheard of. It terrified me, as well as the others.

I looked to braixen and riolu for support. They gently nodded without saying a word. I turn back to kirlia and held her close.

"For the years weve been traveling, I think it was pure luck that we haven't been targeted nor attacked."

Kirlia slowly nodded before wrapping her arms tighter around me. Kirlia smiles gently before going to mention my aunt and uncle.

Kirlia: David? Are you're aunt and uncle apart of the resistance?

"Yes. I was just as surprised as they were when we found out that they were my aunts and uncles and me as their nephew."

I gently rose to my feet and made my way to the tent entrance with kirlia ever so comfortable in my arms.

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