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David POV

A half hour later and with herbs and berries collected we return to camp with the rifle I had looted, deep in my mind I was lightly disappointed in myself, it was disrespectful to the dead but the rifle he had was different to the ones Jenna and lily wielded.

The cold air returned and brushed against my face as the tents came into view, alder and the twins were awake making some breakfast. The moment they saw me they happily waved me over.

But alder saw the rifle and promptly rose to his feet. "Guys, we have a small problem."

Jenna and lily look over at me with narrowed eyes until they too saw the rifle I was holding. Lily got up and ran over to me and observed the rifle.

Lily: what in the hell is that?, you didn't get into any battles did you?

"No, an aftermath of one. 2 miles that way theres a massive patch of forest just completely burnt to the ground."

I looked up at kirlia who was beginning to climb down.

Kirlia: there were scarlet knight bodies all over the field, their mightyena and houndoom included. Some had large slashes, some had arrows in their chest and others had holes in their chests.

I lifted the rifle and handed it to Lily, she held it and observed it, checking the stock, barrel, internal bullet capacity, everything.

Click, shhhck

She pulled back the charging handle and saw it still had about 8 bullets inside it. She looked back at me and handed the rifle back.

Lily: looks like 30-06, you said that there was a field with knights, were they dead?

I nodded, my head lowered to the rifle I now have. Lily sighs and walks back over to her sister alder followed behind.

"What do we do? So far no one has found us."

Jenna humms darkly before crossing her arms.

Jenna: for the time being we need to have breakfast first before we do anything and Meloetta is still sick

Hearing this I walked over to the tent as kirlia took a seat next to the camp fire. I rested the rifle and peaked inside before grabbing the herbs and berries.

Meloetta: Mell-oo-? (H-huh?)

The mythical pokemons eyes open and looked over at me, Braixen and lucario were also awake watching over her. I walked in and kneeled beside the sick figure before grabbing the bowl and pastil.

"Hey there little one. How are you feeling?"

I reached over to the pokemon and softly placed a hand onto her forehead, the hot warmth of her body leaking into my hand.

Lucario: she's doing better, her fever lowered throughout the night.

The meloetta weakly smiled has her breathing softly elongated. I return the smile before beginning the creation of the medicine.

"That's good, have you guys seen iris?"

Lucario: still sleeping soundly. I heard the conversation with Lily, you visited a battlefield.

I nodded my head as I poured water into the mix below me. I glanced at lucario and braixen before soesk softly.

"Yeah, I did. The entire field was burnt to the ground, bodies of the knights and their pokemon littered the entire field. Arrows, sword slashes, bullet wounds. Whoever the knights are fighting know how to put up a fight."

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