ch61 melodical recovery

15 0 0

David POV

We were pretty far into the mountains when I found everyone, with our berries and herbs collected me, kirlia and iris immediately went to work.

I pulled out a bowl and pastil as lily sent our her glaceon and vaporeon. Iris helped out by checking the mythical pokemon for deep wounds and hidden injuries all the while braixen, lucario, jenna and alder were in the area making sure we weren't at all followed.

I grabbed the pastil and began to smash it into a thick paste. "How are those injuries looking, I need to know what were dealing with."

I asked adding some water and herbs to the mix thanks to the aid of kirlia and vaporeon, glaceon helped out by keeping the cool air away from us.

Iris: I see, bruising, open cuts, gashes, and a small fever. What about you?

I shrugged as kirlia softly grabbed herself a clean bowl and poured the mix into it before walking over to meloetta, I began the prep for her fever.

"Kirlia has the paste for her open cuts and bruises, her fever on the other hand is gonna be difficult, OI BRAIXEN I NEED YOURE HELP!!"

Quickly running over the fire fox approached and took a knee beside me. I turned lightly and pointed to Meloetta's red cheeks.

"She's burning up, chances are the fever she has is from over exhaustion. I need you to raise you're body temperature to around 110°F. We need to ahnilate whatever she's fighting. Iris if you can place her into the tent and cover her in blankets that would be amazing."

I wiped some sweat off my brow as I began to make some homebrew pain medicine. It isn't at all as potent as tylenol or advil but it'll do the trick for now.

I sigh lightly as both Braixen and iris made way inside the tent with Meloetta covered in blankets. Kirlia remained by my side to help me, she grabbed herself a cloth and wiped my cheeks.

Kirlia: good job David, just like old times right?

I smile and and nod my head in agreement, a sense of nostalgia and melancholy hit me softly.

"Heh, just like old times."

I continued to mix the herbs together feeling the memories of the past gently flow through me, like a river over stones. A chuckle softly escaped my lips as my breath became visible.

My grin became cheeky as I took a quick jab at kirlia at how shy yet reckless she was as a Ralts.

"Like all the times you tripped over a tree branch trying to pick some pecha berries~?"

Her cheeks pinken as I added some water before making my way to the tent, I heard a quick huff from the petite fairy type behind me. I laughed warmly as I entered the tent, Iris and braixen sat next to one another monitoring the health of the melody pokemon.

I took a knee so kirlia walked in maintaining the light pink tint on her cheeks. I took a small breath and gently caressed Meloetta's cheeks making her softly open her eyes.

"Hey there little one, I've got some medicine for you, it'll help with the pain for a while."

I kept my smile before softly leaning in with the medicine in hand. The melody pokemon hummed in appreciation before extending her hands towards me, they were bandaged most likely from iris beside me.

Meloetta drank the medicine slowly before coughing mildly. "There there, it's bitter but it'll help you in thenlong run... iris did you do the bandages?"

She nods.

Iris: I did, I think meloetta has been running for quite some time if she sustained injuries like this.

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