ch80 updates across kalos

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Another day has passed by for everyone, and in kalos a particular training exercise was underway.

Gary oak, paul, trip and Drayden accompanied by many other volunteer trainers stood with paintball rifles and mechanized vehicles. APC's and an anti infantry vehicle. (The Canadian Stryker III

They were in wait within a defensive position around a small castle like structure. Foxholes litter the castles perimeter while Gary oak, trip and the other scanned the forest that was around them.

Trip: keep an eyes out for the enemy team, they should be arriving to take the objective momentarily.

Within the war games a number of trainers and volunteers have shone immense leadership in the face of pressure and danger. One such trainer was none others than trip, he took inspiration from David directly, he trained with the champions nonstop since David's departure and in that short span of time he's grown considerably powerful.

As for his team, it too grew in both strength and in size. The once unspoken rule for pokemon trainers to have only 6 pokemon has now been changed. Trip's team is now 9 pokemon.

Unfezent, serperior, chandelure, volcorona, konkeldurr, golurk, carracosta, escavalier and lastly Elektross.

The others on the other hand have not. Trip took the one big leap into the unknown world of war and he's tackling it like a pro.

Then the sound of vehicles and fast approaching pokemon made themselves known to trip and the others before a hailstorm of paintballs rained down on the makeshift base.

He and the others instantly reacted and engaged the enemy team.

Trip: everyone engage, use your beam attacks, wide arcs.

Calling forth all 9 of his pokemon trip went to work in engagement. Beams of energy and spheres of paintballs shot for the vehicles and enemy trainers. Trip's pokemon did as were instructed and fired off beams of energy in wide arcs creating a chain of explosions that forced the enemy to halt the advance and begin the engagement at a distance.

Trip was happy with this development. He turned to the apc and ordered it to take to the frontline while his pokemon protected it from enemy attacks. Gary oak, paul and Drayden took the opportunity to assist trip.

The enemy team quickly took cover behind their advancing vehicles, in order to avoid getting hit by the paintballs all the trainers and several pokemon were wielding.

Lance: damn, they caught on fairly quick. Fan out and engage the objective we need to push them out of it.

Lance shouted, he and several resistance trainers ran to the side of the vehicle and began to run to the side drawing the fire of Drayden's pokemon. The apc that was under the defenders control pushed forward and activated its turret.

Lance wasn't able to react before the paintball turret opened fire, spraying him and his team in fast moving spheres of paint.


grabbing a pokeball from his belly he tossed out one of his pokemon: Flygon, although different from his original team flygon was a powerful adversary for trip and the defenders.

Trip: tch, Unfezent take to the skies and divert its attack with hurricane!!!

Unfezent with a powerful flap of her wings she took you the skies and allowed energy to formulate around her wings. Seconds later with another flap of her wings a large twister like wall of wind manifested around the objective.

Flygon fired off its solar beam, it done little to help the attacking team for the energy merely dissipated into sparkles of light.

Trip: Don't let up, keep using hurricane, chandelure use flamethrower on the wind. Combine the two forces!!!

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