ch43 infiltration preparation

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Several hours later they arrive in shalour city, the beautiful coast fluttering refracted light was truly a sight to see. But in the eyes of David and kirlia many sights was truly a behold to see.

Beside the coast was a large shipyard with an incredibly large ship, armored to hell and back with large cannons mounted atop it with large anti air guns on the side and rear.

David's eyes widen in shock and awe as jenna drove northbound with the coast as another large structure came into view. A fortress like David had never seen before stood before him. Built like a star each point held a large  coastal cannon with smaller caliber field guns. Bunkers littered the coast with resistance fighters and trainers.
Trenches were being built to connect each bunker together. Lmg nests were being put together to cover each segment of the trenches.

David: woah... how... how did you all do this?

Lily who was sitting beside David smiles a bit before responding. She points to shalour city and gestures to temporary structures like tents, mobile homes and campers.

Lily: the evacuated civilians from unova, the majority volunteered to help build coastal defenses while the trainers and law enforcement joined a coalition group.

Kirlia: wow... all of this in such short amount of time?

Lily and jenna nod their head as the car turned off of the road and onto a trail that led to the fortress and docks where almost 10 figures stood by. Each one wearing tactical gear and weaponry, even their pokemon were geared to hell and back.

Jenna: yup, with the volunteers psychic type pokemon enabled us to accelerate our construction speed immensely. If it werent for them we wouldn't have been able to reach the point we are at.

David and kirlia were speechless by the fortress and shipyard. It was truly an incredible experience.

David: wow...

Jenna and lily giggle lightly as they turn into the fortress perimeter and stop the car. Jenna hopped out and opened the door for her sister and David.

They all get out as several prominent figures approached the group. 5 of which were incredibly familiar.

Diantha, cynthia, alder, lance and Steven. The champions of their respective region. The 5 walk over and wave glad to see the group arrive safely.

Steven: ah, welome. Were happy to see you guys. How was you're trip?

David smiles as kirlia was picked up by her trainer and was placed on his shoulders.

David: the trip was enlightening thank you for asking. May I ask what the greetings are for?

Lance and Steven chuckle at David foresight. Alder walks over and places a hand on David's shoulder before pointing to the fortress before them.

Alder: we have quite the few days ahead of us. Training, plan reviews and alot of preparation. The greeting was so we can begin immediately.

Lily rolls her eyes as did Diantha before the two walked ahead, lily took jenna by the hand before making way to the fortress. Alder chuckles a bit as Lance and Steven let out a sigh.

Lance: let the kid be alder, while he may be correct we do have alot on our plate. Come we have much to discuss.

David: of course. Lead the way.

The champions smile a bit and began to lead David and kirlia into the fortress all the while engaging in conversation with the boy. The conversation was light hearted filled with friendly banter, mainly alder and lance dissing on diantha and cynthia getting dunked on by a kid in a pokemon battle.

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