ch28 A break in fatigue

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Instead of going to sleep me and my other pokemon remained awake to watch the stars in the sky. Braixen lied on my left arm with riolu on my right and lastly kirlia on my chest.

We were softly talking to one another about the past and the nostalgia of it, even about stories of me and kirlia on our adventures when we were little, well littler.

The story about me and several other pokemon trying to escape the raging fire after my towns destruction? Yeah that. It wasn't much else apart of a immigration northbound..

I hummed softly, a low tune appropriate for the war ahead. A small song partisans would sing for their homeland. A sing of defiance, a song of battle, a war song so to speak.

The sound of my voice was soft and low but it held a graceful tone that gained the attention of my partners. Kirlia hums in response to the song and softly sang along, braixen and Riolu were soon to follow. They hummed along as the our voices got louder.

Then Braixen rose to her feet with Riolu's hands in hers. The two began to dance with a smile evident on their faces. Kirlia giggles softly before she climbed atop my shoulders and bobbed her head to our singing.

Then the 2nd chorus arisen. Our voices became loud yet held the same graceful sound. Only I sung the lyrics whilst everyone else sung the melody and bass. Throughout the song and into the third chorus.


Then I rose to my feet, I softly lifted kirlia off my shoulders as my aura subtly flared, physical manifestations formed around my arms and hands. Kirlia smiles warmly as she transformed, the pink ribbons, her pink wings all of it. Kirlia danced as Braixen and Riolu danced beside her. Braixen's fir subtly went from its reddish orange to a subtle white marking a lack of control over it but flares of blue partially manifested around her tail and arms.

Riolu soon joined with his aura growing out as well. The three danced as I sung gallantly. Then the 4th and final chorus. The tempo slowed as my pokemon turned to me as my aura flared twice as large as it was before.

Seconds later the song came to an end, my aura died down beside everyone else's energy. their wide smiles glowed brightly as I took braixen and kirlia by the hand, Riolu followed up and jumped onto my shoulders,

we share a laugh as an idea formed in my mind, but before I could act on it professor sycamore walked outside in his pajamas, he rubbed his eyes to see us dancing and having fun.

We noticed him a minute later and we were quick to freeze from shock and embarrassment. "A-a-ah hello professor.... w-w-what are you doing up?"

Professor sycamore had a small smile on his face with his hands in his pockets.

Sycamore: just... watching you kids having fun but the real question is what in the world was that song, I've never heard it before.

I sheepishly rubbed the back of my head as Riolu climbed atop my shoulder, Braixen and kirlia took me by the hands and gave me a hug.

"T-the song is Bella Ciao, a partisan love song about a war. From a Region called Italy, it went through a civil war. This song was sung by the Patriots that fought for freedom of tyranny and oppression."

After hearing the meaning behind the song he was surely shocked. He let's out a chuckle before motioning me to follow him.

He walked back inside the lab with me and my partners following behind. Then professor sycamore led us to the sanctuary within the lab. Dozens of different pokemon slept within the enclosure. The lab enclosure had grass, trees, a river, hell it even had a lake.

Dozens of pokemon slept within their respective habitat but I was quick to notice a few that stood out of place.
It was a trio of galvantula and a family of joltik the arachnid pokemon.

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