ch59 Accelerated action

16 0 0

2 days later

Back in kalos chaos was filled to the brim in Erebor, Gary and anita had found out about David's reckless idea and promise to Arceus.


Gary's voice resounded and echoed off the walls of the room he stood in, a large oval like table sitting in the center. Gary at the end with Anits beside her as well as many prominent figures.





And the other peoples of various organizations, large holographic displays hovered atop the table, armed guards and their armed pokemon companions.

Cyrus: as much as I would normally agree with the reckless action. You put to much pressure on the kid, he's 13.

The others silently agreed, and Gary huffed in annoyance. The resistance fighter wiped away a bead of sweat before gesturing to the holograp displays.

Gary: I understand hes only a child but... ugh, he's insanely reckless and acts before he thinks...

Cyrus: I know... but what's done is done. Jenna, lily and alder is with him and iris. If anything they know the purpose of infiltration and will remain hidden for the time being.

The other figures nodded their heads in agreement, the holograms before them changed to David and the others that went with him.

Ghetsis: I agree, he even has association with Giratina and the other dimensional legendary pokemon. They are powerful trainers and warriors, they will be fine.

Videos began to play of David's abilities and creative prowess, from the battles of cyllage city to the champions back in luminose and not to mention the body cams of their infiltration to nuvema town.

Geovanni: we should also mention David's strength with kirlia, braixen and lucario. The 3 have achieved what professor sycamore and oak call: hyperesonance.. 3 pokemon even with assistance with ash and his friend when they were defeated David continued.

Everyone agreed once more, their attentions moving to the videos being played. Especially 2 videos in particular, Braixens 3 tailed hyperesonant form and kirlia's almost "angel" form.

Kirlia in the video held a golden hue in her wings, psychokinetic energy, and eyes.

Archie: only 3 pokemon faced on diantha and cynthia's pokemon to a standstill. If David had more control of the energy from the hyperesonance he could very well be the strongest trainer the world has ever seen.

The conversation silently changed to the a variety of issues they needed to address, but Anita had an expression of worry and nervousness.

Maxi: moving on from the conversation, we must discuss the heightened matter that is southeastern kalos.

Everyone's eyes turned to the team magma leader, intrigued by the mans words.

Gary: alright, what is it?

Maxi flicked the tabletop giving way for a hologram to reveal several scarlet knight scouts making camp nearby the old Plainfield village.

Maxi: this amongst others have popped up the moment David left two days ago, I'm unsure if whether or nod they are connected.

Maxi flicked the table again revealing armored team magma grunts and trainers alongside Aether foundation personnel. Armed to the teeth in ballistic lamellar armor along with their pokemon.

pokemon: War For LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon