ch70 rising tensions

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An hour had passed and the clouds above thickened, the flying destroyers were forced to descend below the said clouds otherwise threatened of getting lost.

Drakes ship: Greyhound along with its cruiser escorts: Eagle, dicky, caelid and Fletcher. Have made tremendous progress in traveling towards the region of alola.

Drake sits inside his captains chambers in a chair talking to a good friend of his: Phoebe, another elite four of Hoenn.

Phoebe: congratulations on rising to fleet commander Drake, I wish me and the other elite four could've come with.

Drake smiles lightly.

Drake: I wish so too but this mission is of the upmost importance to the regional security of kalos. I've done well thus far to get here.

Phoebe: yeah, all of you're studying of naval warfare and fleet commanding is sure paying off.

Phoebe hummed warmly as her sighs softened upon noticing the subtle bags of his eyes. Drake sees the expression of Phoebe and quickly addresses it.

Drake: is something the matter Phoebe?

The elite four female gently shook her head side to side, brushing off the question.

Phoebe: it's nothing Drake... n-nothing at all.

Drake wasn't having it and leaned forward in his seat.

Drake: Phoebe.... what's wrong...

A pink tint formed on the tips of her cheeks as she quickly tried to avert her eyes away from the computer screen.

Phoebe eventually caved in before speaking.

Phoebe: h-have you been properly taking care of yourself Drake? You have bags under you're eyes.

Drake relaxes and leaned back in his chair before brushing his mustache and beard.

Drake: I am.... tired.... to be honest, we had reports and sightings of airships and other naval vessels on the west coast of Alola and we've been dispatched to find out what's going on.

Phoebe: w-woah... well please do be safe Drake.

Phoebe smiles as the redness of her cheeks darkened another shade, Drake returned the kind smile before lightly bowing.

Drake: Farwell, I'll contact you when the mission is over.

Phoebe: I'll be waiting for you.... Drake.

The holographic screen vanishes while the call ended. Drake leaned forward and lowered his head onto his hands before sighing softly. His eyes darkened a bit before having to rise to his feet with a groan.

He looks around and to a mirror in his room, he fixed up his fleet commander uniform before leaving his quarters with regal posture.

---- time skip 5 minutes ----

XO: Attention Captain on deck!!!

Straightening themselves, everyone on the bridge stood up straight and into a salute as Drake walked in. He glanced across the bridge before nodding his head.

Drake: at ease men.... Report.

One of the many seamen personnel spoke up first.

Seamen: nothing on radar sir, sonar the same and nothing on the horizon. Heading?

Drake looked over to the helmsman and nods.

Drake: inform the cruiser escort that our heading is changing, "heading 028 north north west."

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