Chapter 51: Hammock in the Forest

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"Come on Evelyn, he's going to die if you just stand there in the corner and shake like a leaf!"

Her big green eyes blinked a few times, and as if her brain shut off and something else took over, her hands got to work. The faster she worked, the warmer her hands got, the warmer her hands got the more they glowed. She could feel the energy flowing through her, like blood in her veins. She found the bullet and got it out. She closed her eyes and placed both her little hands on the man's bare chest and concentrated. All her bairn energy focused on fixing this man, keeping him alive. She could feel her energy levels depleting, yet at the same time she could feel this man's life slowly returning. Evelyn could feel his heart beat getting stronger, and she could feel his muscle and skin actually knitting itself back together. Her muscles became weak, and her head became dizzy, while her stomach felt sick.

The man on the table took a wild gasping breath, and his eyes flew open. He sat bolt up right with another wild gasp, knocking Evelyn to the ground. She had no strength left to catch herself so she collapsed into a heap, exhausted tears ran down her pale and sweaty face.

"Good job Evelyn, you just saved Jorge's life."

She tried to smile, but her world went black.

A sinister voice whispered, "WICKED is Good."

"Your a witch!"

"Powers and potions! Talking to lizards! Your a witch!"

"Your not good enough! You couldn't save them!"

"Evelyn! Why? Why couldn't you save me? Was it so hard to save me?" George's voice yelled bitterly at her.

"You killed me! You couldn't do anything for me! You failed!" Jack yelled.

"You sentenced me to death!" Ben screamed

"You let him die!" Steve howloin pain. "And you saved Nick instead of me! You have favorites! You coward! You shucken witch!"

"WICKED is good!"

"You're a witch!"

Evelyn woke whimpering, her hair was wet from tears, she was so tangled in the blanket. Newt wasn't beside her. The bed was cold. She sat up, shaking and crying.

She saw Teresa's sleeping on the ground in a make shift bed. But no Newt. She need him. Evelyn got up and slipped out of the room. Her bare feet treading lightly on the cold damp grass. She wrapped her arms around herself and went to the homestead, maybe he was sleeping there. He got to the lean-to. She quickly scanned the guys as she silently walked up and down the road of boys. He wasn't there. Another tear slid down her face. She turned around to leave.

"Evy?" A sleepy voice quietly called.

"Sorry to wake you up, Thomas."

"What are you doing here?"

"Umm... looking for-"

"He's in the forest."

"Oh. Okay. Thank you. Good night Thomas."

She hurried off to the forest. She had a feeling she knew where he would be. Walking bare foot in the forest helped calm her down. The moon was out and the stars twinkled down at her. The ones she loved coming out to watch her. Following an invisible path she made her way to their spot. She smelt wood smoke and a little glowing flickering light. She pushed the hanging tree branch out of the way.

Newt had set up a small little camp site. A small fire was going, his hammock was set up and Newt was sitting up in his hammock, a blanket draped over his shoulders and he was writing in his journal. He looked up when she appeared.

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