Chapter 9: The Syringe

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**little aesthetic of Evelyn**

Newt stood at the end of the bed, his mouth open and eyes wide in silent shock and disbelief, it looked almost like a silent scream. His brown eyes flicked back and forth between Nick and her.

She clawed her way back to stand, leaning heavily on the bed frame.

"Moon secrets, Newt. I told you everyone has them." She panted.

Using the back of her hand and wrist to wipe the sweat away from her forehead. Newt didn't move, he was still as a statue.

"You..." He stammered.

She sighed and made her way as quickly as her wobbly legs would take her, to the back shelf and grabbed what she needed. She set it all down on the side table and got to work. Newt was still standing frozen. She could see the wheels turning in his head, but he also seemed to be malfunctioning.

"Newt? You just gonna stand there?"

"You have secret powers.... And like the dark and your weird potions..." He hissed.

She stopped stitching Nick and looked up. Fear and anger were written all over his face. She knew what was coming but it didn't stop the pain.

"You are a witch!" He whispered in disgust.

"You need to leave now Newt." She said quietly.

The hurt was clear in her voice and the pain was sharp in her heart. She blinked a few times keeping the tears at bay, but she could feel them forming, her throat was tight and it was hard to swallow.

"How many people know?" He demanded, "I bet you, you prescious Minho knows!"

"No actually he doesn't. Just Nick and Jack." She kept her voice as even as possible. "Newt, please leave. I need to finish stitching Nick before it gets infected."

"You don't have some kind of witchcraft for that?" He spat.

"She asked you to leave."

Jack had shown up, standing in the door way, with George beside him. Newt gave her a last look of disgust he left shoving past the guys.

"I'm sorry Ev." Jack sighed, he stepped into the room, his hand intertwined with George's.

"It's fine." She answered, her voice was high and tight.

"It's not fine. He's acting like a... slinthead." George growled, letting go of Jack's hand to fold his arms.

"He found out?" Jack sighed, gently taking the needle from Evelyn's shaking hands and continued to stitch Nick.

She just nodded, brushing the tears from her face. She sat down in her chair by the table and pulled her knees up. Hephaestus crawled onto her should and nuzzled her cheek.

"Thanx Hephy." She whispered.

"Found out about what?" George asked.

She sighed, pushing her blond locks out of her face. Holding up her hands she waved him over.

"Give me your hand. The one you cut on your knife in the maze."

"Why?" He stammered.

"Just do it." Jack sighed.

George stretched out his hand with a confused look. Evelyn held it gently and consintrated. She felt the power life warm blood in her veins. She harnessed it and sent it to George. Is mouth dropped as he watched her hands glow and the cut heal itself in a matter of seconds. Her face grew pale and sweaty. She let go panting.

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