Chapter 44: Confessions

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Evelyn went back and forth between Ben, Alby and the girl. All morning it was back and forth. Her muscles screamed at her in protest, her joints were stiff, she was bruised and scraped. She was surprised by how little the Griever bite didn't hurt.

Jeff and Clint were quiet, they kept an eye on her, but gave her space which she very much appreciated. They worked beside her long enough to know she liked to be with people but she kept to herself, enjoyed the quiet more. Especially after the other night...her body, and heart were still healing.

It was her heart that hurt more than her banged bruised body. Her heart had been through the wringer. In the quiet work, her mind was able to wonder. Evelyn thought back to the last time her and Newt were was right after she woke up from helping Ben. And even then...he was with Ben and not her, sure it was selfish, Ben needed someone constantly...but it still hurt.  And his eyes weren't quite there, but maybe that was her imagination; making things up. Was he already smitten with Thomas already? Was she so horrible that it was that easy to drop her and switch? She really didn't understand.

"Hey are you even shucken listening to me?"
Chuck asked, his hands on his hips, shaking his curly head.

"I'm sorry Chucky." Evelyn gave him a sad smile.

"Nah, it's okay Mom, just stupid story. So...I guess by that sad vacant look you're still...well..not okay."

"I'll be fine, My Sweet Child."

"Feelings I'm not expressing?" He raised an eyebrow.

She chuckled. "You've been hanging out with the guys for too long!"

"But it's true! You're not okay. We can all see it. And ya know...there's one Glader in particular who's REALLY worried."

"Oh? And what's this gossip?"

"It's not gossip, I got eyeballs, Mom! I can SEE. One guy who's always checking in, always beside ya..."

"Chuck...what in the actual shuck are you talking about?"

"Oh come on!" He cried throwing his pudgy hands into the air, he shook his disapproving at her.

Evelyn was completely confused. She rolled her eyes at the boy and went back to trying to spoon feed the girl some soup broth.

"Minho! I'm talking about Minho! Come on Mom!"

Evelyn just about dropped the bowl of broth into the girl.

"What the shuck did you just say?" She looked at Chuck with a horrified expression.

"You couldn't have missed how attentive he's been? How sweet and gentle he's been?"

"Chuck you better check yourself before you wreck yourself! He's been my best friend since day one. And my shucken boyfriend has been a slinthead lately..we were both stuck in the maze for the night... we're both trying to deal with shared trauma!" She frowned at the boy.

He was smirking at Evelyn, "whatever helps ya sleep at night."

"You've been hanging out with Min too much. Shuck sakes!"

"Whatever, Mom." He held his hands up, "I can see it, and I think Newt also sees it."

"Chuck?" She sighed exhaspirated with him.

"Yes Mom?"

"Shut up." She rolled her eyes.

He shrugged with a smirk at her. She shook her head, placing the bowl on the table and got up. Chuck turned and skipped away with a wave.

"It's almost lunch, I gotta go help Fry. Later Mom!" He called and closed the door.

She shook her head, and got up to go to her table to make some tea. Frowning her jar for replenishing energy was just about empty. She grabbed her basket - she had lost her bag somewhere in the Maze the other night. She went to her garden. Kneeling down in her garden she started to harvest her things.

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