Chapter 4: First Gathering

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Evelyn's eyes fluttered open. Someone was crouched in front of her, gently shaking her shoulder. Her head flopped to the side, her back was stiff from falling asleep on the floor, leaning against the wall. A warm hand caught her head and gently held it until she had the strength to keep it up herself.

She really did drain herself to save that kid. And that bothered her. She knew that wasn't a hard case, she knew she saved others from worse fates before. So why now? Was it this place? Did it have something to do with her memory? Maybe because she couldn't remember everything from her past it's affecting her gift?

"Hey, you doing okay, Evelyn?"

She recognized the voice. It was the only one she had heard with an accent.

She groaned quietly and finally picked her head up and leaned it against the wall, blinking her eyes open. It was darker in her hut now. Someone had lit a few candles.

She blinked a few times and focused on the boy in front of her. The flickering flames danced across his face. He had chocolate brown eyes, framed in thick dark lashes. His eyes were big and open, like windows to his soul, and right now Evelyn could see a storm brewing, he was troubled.

"Ev? Can you hear me? Speak to me."

"Yeah...yeah I can hear you." She said so quietly he had to lean in.

"What the bloody hell happened?" He asked, looking back and forth, the kid was still laying in the same spot. Evelyn was still in the same spot Nick made her sit down in, and she was still covered in blood.

"Kid was stabbed. I...had to save him...just..took more out of me ..then I thought." She whispered.

"Clearly." He stood up and grabbed a cup of the table and poured some water and came back down to her handing her the cup.

She took it greatfully, and drained the cup. She felt a bit better.

"Thank you. Nick sent you?"

He nodded. She nodded back. She pushed off the wall and slowly and wobbly got to her feet. Newt held onto her elbow making she she didn't fall back down, she was very unsteady on her feet.

"I need to redo his bandages."

"Anything I can do to bloody help? You look...a little..uh..-"


"Yeah." He said sheepishly.

"I am." She nodded and gave him a very small smile. "Well, you can grab me that bundle of dried herbs- no that one, by the window- the other one, with the purple lavender. Yes, that one."

Newt came back and handed her the dried plants, she placed them in the bowl and crushed it, adding some water and a few other things. Newt stood beside her and watched.

She took the bowl, once it was a thick past and came back to the boy on the ground, he was just now storing and waking up.


"Lay still, you're still healing." Evelyn said quietly.

He groaned when he moved a hand and rubbed his eyes.

"How are you feeling? And I never got your name this morning.."

"Names George. And I feel...Stiff."

"Well, you're laying on the floor, sorry, I have no beds."

"Would make sense."

"But I meant about the stab wound?"

"Oh! That, yeah not bad actually."

"What? Dude I saw the blood when they were dragging' your sorry arse here!" Newt cried, he was standing behind them, leaning on the table.

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