Chapter 52: Section 4

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Newt and Evelyn sheepishly crept out of the forest. Newt walked her to her Hut, stopping in front of her door, he gently placed his hands on her hips and pulled her closer. Evelyn winced slightly. 

"You okay Love?" He whispered, frowning slightly. 

"Just...hips are slightly bruised from you..." She whispered back, a blush rising on her cheeks.

He smirked at her, "Am I sorry about that?" 

She pushed up onto her toes and whispered against his lips, "Worth it." 

"Shuck ya!" He chucked into her kiss, Evelyn hummed in contentment. She lowered down and slipped through the door into her room, hoping Teresa was still asleep. 

Evelyn closed the door and turned and leaned on the door, her eyes closed. She leaned her head back on the door and sighed. 

"Have a good night?" said an amused voice that was light and airy. 

Evelyn's eyes flew open, her face instantly heating up. Teresa was sitting on the bed with an amused smirk, her bright blue eyes lighting up. Evelyn bit her bottom lip, but her own smile came through anyways. 

"He seemed reluctant to leave, but insisted he leave 'cause he didn't want to make me feel uncomfortable. He was really sweet." 

Evelyn smiled even bigger. Her stomach rolling, and her heart fluttering. 

"Come here and tell me!" Teresa squealed.

Evelyn rushed over and just about jumped on the bed. 

"I haven't had a girlfriend in three years! Minho likes to gossip, but it's just not the same! He's always making stupid inappropriate jokes-"

"-well no promises!" Teresa giggled, "Your hair is quite the spectacle and you're a little...disheveled, like you dressed really quickly....and those love bites!" She eyed up Evelyn, with a smirk. 

"Tessa!" Evelyn shrieked, "you ARE as bad as Minho!"

Teressa just laughed. She composed herself enough to ask, "SO...? What happened? Come on girl, details!" 

"Shuuuuck!" Evelyn whispered dreamily. She flopped backwards onto the bed. 

"Well seriously considering some of those love bites..." She pointed to Evelyn's neck, "I'd say it was a wild night full of love and passion." 

"Tessa! You really are as bad as Minho! He's met his match!" Evelyn shrieked and smacked her with a pillow. Teresa flopped backwards with a giggle. Evelyn turned her head and between giggles and sighs and major blushes she told Teressa about her night. 

"You love him." 

"Yes. I have for a very long time." 

"Tell me! I want to hear all about it!" Her big blue eyes were wide and so open and genuine, they sparkled with life and laughter. 

Evelyn and Teresa lay on the bed and they talked and giggled. Evelyn talked about her three years in the Glade alone with boys, how Newt used  to be, how he changed after his accident and their time being a couple. Evelyn also told her about what happened between them while Teresa was in her comma. 

" these..Creators, they can control us?" 

"I think so...You saw Alby yesterday, ya?" Teressa nodded, her eyes wide. "I could hear voices whispering in his head, and I could feel Alby crying for help under all of's hard to explain. But ya...the voices were making him do that. And I believe without a doubt that they controlled Newt, for whatever reason. I don't know what purpose it serves." 

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