Chapter 31: Hangovers

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Someone was shaking her shoulder gently. She groaned and smacked the hand away. Turning over she buried her head under a pillow. But even that much moving made her head pound and her stomach twist.

"It's time to get up, Love."

"Shuck off!" She groand.

She felt the bed dip. And her pillow over her head was pulled away gently.

"Feelin' pretty rough, huh?"


"Too much buggen' fun yesterday."

"The shuck did I do?"

She had pulled the blanket over her head. The sunshine coming through the window made the pounding in her head so much worse. Newt chuckled.

"You don't remember?"

"If I shucken remembered Newt I would have asked." She snapped.

Newt just laughed.

"Cranky this mornin'. Hangovers ain't not fun. That's for bloody sure!"

"Is there a point to this wake up or can I go back to dying in peace?"

"Yeah. It's time to get up! We let's ya sleep in already! It's almost lunch!"

"I have the flu. I have the day off. MedJack orders. And ya can't argue with a Keeper. So...shuck off!"

Newt's eyes sparkled with amusement, he pulled the blanket away, and she let out a string of wild curses. He frowned.

"You've been hanging out with Minho too much!"

She just growled. Newt forced her to sit up. But immidiatly went pale and her stomach turned.


Newt grabbed the one by the he had grabbed last night. Holding her hair she threw up.

"Ya gotta learn ta hold your alcohol, little bird." He smirked.

She wiped her mouth and frowned.

"Little bird?"

"Gally called you that. Don't ya remember?"

"No. I remember like... nothing." She whispered.

Newt took the bucket away and Evelyn pulled her knees up to her chest and placed her forehead down, trying to ease the headache and twisting stomach. He came back and sat beside her, gently tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I know it's no fun. But a shower, some food an' water will help. An' I know it wasn' your fault. It's also your first buggen' hang over."

"And your proud of me?"

"I think it's quite amusing. You had...a different personality."

Her eyes went wide. And with a groan if embarrassment she lay back down, buryither head into the blanket.

"You were cute, Love. over excited toddler. Had to hold your bloody hand 'cause ya kept wanderin' off and gettin' into all kinds trouble! Ya sat on the ground and ate a cookie. Had some...interestin' jokes..."

"Do I even want to know?" She groaned.

She could feel the embarrassment growing, which caused frustrated tears. Which in turn didn't help the dehydration and pounding of her head. Newt gently tugged the blanket away. He was trying very hard not to laugh at her. But then frowned.

"No, baby don' cry! Even smashed outta your mind you're sweet an' innocent and full of life!"

"Ya, but I made a complete fool out of myself!" She angerly swatted at the tears. "I've seen how stupid the guys get and how they act and what comes out of their mouths!"

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