Chapter 38: Greenie Day

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Evelyn had an uncomfortable feeling all morning. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something just felt off. Maybe it was she was just exhausted, Minho had come to her room again, and took a lot longer then normal to calm down. Minho had seen another Griever in the maze halls. Ben hadn't seen it or heard it, but Minho knew it was stalking them all day. Just out of sight, but all day he heard the quiet humming whirr and the metal on metal. When he spun around there was nothing there.  He kept it together and internal until it was dark and he was alone. He slept on their bedroom floor. 

Evelyn and Minho woke up feeling jumpy. Newt tried to be the positive light, so Evelyn could have the day off of being the bright Glade light. Sometimes even the sun has a cloudy day, and that's how she felt internally, cloudy and stormy. Evelyn and Newt waked with Minho to the wall doors. 

"Be safe okay?" She said quietly, so Ben wouldn't hear her anxiety in her voice. 

"Always Pixy." He forced a smile, but his eyes looked tired and unsettled. 

"I'm serious, Minho! There's something going on, I don't know how to describe it...but I can feel it in my gut!" 

"You're guts never buggen' wrong... Newt muttered, frowning. 

"Yeah, and that's why I'm nervous." She turned back to Minho, "Just be carful. Come back to the Glade if there's anything out of the ordinary." 

She pulled her best friend into a tight hug. He hugged her back quick and patted her back. Pulling away he turned to Ben who was waiting, and they took off into the gloom of the stone halls. Newt stood watching them for a moment, a troubled expression on his face. 

"You okay? What cha thinking, Love?" 

He shrugged, his thumb rubbing his bottom lip, his tell sign he was thinking. 

"Don't lie to me, Love. I always know." She slid her hand into his, giving it a squeeze. 

He shrugged again. 

"Do you miss it?" She indicated to the maze with her head. 

"The physical running sure, being in better shape...but that's it. The awful dark, the gloom, the silence...the awful bloody pressure of findin' a buggen' exit; tryn' ta get back before the doors close...avoid dyin' or bein' stung. No. No I don't miss it." 

His has had taken a pale stricken look as he talked, he was quiet for a moment, still staring wide eyed out into the maze. He blinked and shook his shaggy head, and turned towards Evelyn. His eyes had softened and a small smile lifted the corners of his lips.

"An' as a perk... I get ta have more time with you, My Angel." His voice was quiet, his eyes flicking over her face. 

Giving him a smile she pushed up onto her toes and kissed him quick. 

"Ewww! Gross! Mom, get a room." Chuck yelled as he came skipping over. 

"Then look away boy." Newt grumbled, pushing the kids curly haired head, and kissed Evelyn a little more passionately. 

"Ya, ya, we get it. You got a girl friend!" Chuck rolled his eyes. 

"You hear for a reason Shank?" Newt pulled away with a huff, and eyeing the kid up. 

"Yeah actually, not like I enjoy you two makin' out." He wrinkled his nose. 

"What is it Chuck?" Evelyn asked.

"Jeff had a question for you, he said he would meet you in the MedHut." 

"Thank you Chuckles." Evelyn smiled. 

He skipped away and Newt sighed, letting her go. They turned to go their separate ways. Evelyn stopped and turned.

"Wait Newt!" She called and ran towards him. He turned around confused, and just in time, she flew into his arms with an omph. 

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