Chapter 40: Another Greenie

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Evelyn ran towards the Box, the chains were making a loud racket. The other Gladers all crowded around the box. Instead of being wild and excited everyone was tense and quiet. A few whispers were heard.

"What's going on?" The Greenie asked.

"Greenie Alarm, Man!" Chuck called over the loud grinding and alarm. "Which means you're not the greenie anymore! Congratulations." He added dryly.

Gally stepped beside Evelyn and Nick on her other side.

"I don't like this!" Gally said, she could hear the apprehension in his comment.

" either." Evelyn nodded.

She saw Newt step forward a hand rubbing his bottom lip. His face scrunched and his eyes looked red and slightly puffy. She looked away, back to the box. Her heart hurt so much, even just looking at him.

The Box clanged to a stop. Sonny and Gally stepped forward to open the box. There was no sound inside. Evelyn frowned. The top doors were open and the box was wide open. Evelyn went to hope down Inside when Newt jumped down first. The Box clanged and swayed. Evelyn could see Newt frozen, staring at something in the corner.

"What is it Newt?' Gally called.

Newt looked back up at them, and then to Evelyn, his eyes wide.

"It's a shucken girl!"

There was an instant up roar.

"A girl?"

"Wonder why we get another girl?"

"I call dibs!"

"Nah man! I do!"

"Is she hot?"

"Doubt it! Eve is probably hotter."

"SLIM IT!" Sonny roared.

The charter cut off immidiatly. Evelyn's skin crawled, she was disgusted with what they were saying. Already feeling angry and ready for a fight she turned and glared at them.

"Smarten up all of you! Don't you shucken dare lay a finger on the girl or I will end you!"

"How ya gonna do that?" One brave Glader called.

"I know how to make your heart stop a few different ways and make it look like an accident!" She growled, eyes narrowed.

"Well that's just shucken scary!"

"Touch the new girl and I'll make sure you're thrown off the cliff! Or spend a night in the shucken maze!" Sonny yelled.

The guys shut their mouths and they all looked sheepish. Newt was still staring at the girl. Her heart felt like it was kicked again, as he crouched down beside her. They couldn't really see much, the girl was covered in shadow, but it looked like she was laying down.

"That's not all!" Newt called up, "I think she's dead!"

Fight the hurt and tears pushed down she jumped down into the Box. Evelyn knelt down beside the girl. She was beautiful. Pale clear skin, long dark eyelashes that brushed her cheeks, pink lips, dark black shiny hair and slender but with curves. And she was clean, her face wasn't sun burnt and covered in scars or grime. There wasn't much and scraps on her hands. Her clothes were fresh and clean pressed.

Evelyn ignored her insecure thoughts and placed a hand on her wrist, closing her eyes Evelyn concentrated. She felt the girl's heart beat, but barely.

"We need to get her out immediately!" Evelyn cried.

Gally Sonny and Nick all helped get her out they laid her on the grass and Evelyn pulled herself out of the Box and rushed over, pushing Gladers out of the way.

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