Chapter 54: Voices and Leaders

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The four Runners stumbled into the Glade and collapsed in a heap on the grass. All of them sucking air, legs shaking and not moving. A group of Gladers came running over. 

"What's going on out there?!" Gally demanded.

"What's going on? Why are you back?"

"Well nice to see you too Admiral Alby!" Minho saluted him from the ground.

"How about some water? Please?" Evelyn asked, her throat was so dry from running in the dusty air.

"Explain!" Alby demanded, and kicked Minho's leg rather harder than necessarily.

Minho picked his head up and glared at Alby.

"How about some shucken water? We saw a Griever, just about got trapped in section 4 and booked it back here. Water would be great!" Minho snapped back.

"Water first. Then talk." Evelyn added.

Alby huffed and walked away muttering.

Newt had crouched down beside Evelyn, but looked at Thomas and then Teresa and held a finger out to them.

"Don't get any bloody ideas you two! Minho and Evy are the only shanks who can buggen' boss him 'round like that."

"Don't plan on it!" Thomas huffed between his gasping breaths.

Theresa just shook her head, too exhausted to talk.

"What happened?" Gally demanded.

"Wait for Admiral Alby, Gal! Jeez ya shank!" Minho groaned.

Newt looked down at Evelyn, "I'm guessing it's got somethin' to do with the amount of buggen' noise out there?"

"Sounds like you guys actually broke the Maze!" Nick said, crouching down beside Teresa and holding a hand out for her and helping her sit up. 

"Just wait guys, Sheesh!" Evelyn groaned.

Alby was back a few minutes later and tossed them all a water bottle. They each chugged it back. It gave Evelyn some life and she pushed up onto her elbows. Minho was sitting up now.

"All right, spill. What did Greenie do now?" Gally demanded.

"Gally! Relax! It had nothing to do with Tessa!"

Evelyn sat up, and pulled the Griever brain out and tossed it to Gally.

"It was this thing."

"What do ya mean Love?" Newt asked.

"It started beeping, leading us...followed it to the Cliff-"

"-Minho saw a Griever-"

"-it disappeared-"

"-the cliff is a hologram!"

"-threw rocks. Some fell down like the box...but some just-"


"Like every Griever I've seen in that section!"

"We had to get back-"

"Then the walls started to move-"

"-but like trying squish us!"

The group tried to follow the four of them explain what happened. Their heads bouncing back and forth between them. Newt was rubbing his bottom lip, Nick readjusted his glasses, Alby didn't have any expression; Sonny looked shocked, Chuck looked terrified. Everyone else had wide eyes and wide open mouths.

" what are ya bloody saying?" Newt asked finally.

"We think we found a way out!"

Chuck's curls were bouncing as he shook his head, his voice was thick with fear "Through the Griever...?"

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