Chapter 15: Broken

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Maybe it was because of the wild adrenaline or because she was fighting for the life of someone she loved, but she forced herself to stay conscious. Evelyn could feel her heart beating wildly, sweat poured from her forehead, panting turned to ragged shallow breaths. Her hearing wasn't working and her vision had gone fuzzy around the edges.

It was only when someone grabbed her arm and yanked her away did she stop. Her hands were ripped from Newt and she collapsed into Alby. Her head flopped, and her eyes fluttered.

"Water!" He barked.

Someone handed him a cup and he forced her to drink it. Still shaking and vision fuzzy she pushed off him and stood on weak legs.

"Gotta finish."

"You're going to kill your self!" Minho screamed.

She just shook her head. The MedHut door banged open, head twisted around to see. Sonny and Nick stood in the door frame.

"Can I help?"

"Sonny! Nick! Thank shuck. Come here! I need your help.'re going to have to hold him down. Jeff? On the shelf is a bite stick, out that in his mouth and hold it."

"Uhh a what?"

"It makes sure he won't bite his tongue when I realign his leg, he'll bite down on that."

All their faces grimced. They all took up their spots. Evelyn was white as a ghost and would normally have passed out by now, but adrenaline and pure raw fear kept her going. When they all nodded they were ready Evelyn took a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry Newt!" She whispered.

His eyes flashed open with a wild scream of pain, but with the guys holding him and the thing in his mouth it was muffled but it still made them flinch. He withered in agony. He passed out again.

"Okay. One done. One more." She encouraged herself.

"One. Two. Three."

His body woke up from the pain. He twisted under the guys, screaming, arching his back. His eyes rolled into the head and he was still. Sweat covered his body and his breathing was shallow.

Jeff took the mouth piece away and unwound the dirty blood soaked strips of cloth and started to clean and stitch the gash in his head. Evelyn gently and as carefully as possible wrapped a thin loose layer of cloth around his leg and then placed the skinny strips of board along his leg.

"Someone come here and hold this!" Evelyn demanded. Nick and Sonny each held it while she wrapped more strips of cloth around it all tying it tightly, making a splint.

She was deliberate and sure in her movements, and actions, just having to go slow due to the injury and how much her body was begging to collapse.

Jeff finished and wrapped clean medical gauze over it. The side of his face was bruising.

"On the second shelf, the pain meds, I need the clear one and the needle."

She held a hand out and it was placed in her hands, making sure there was no air in the needle she poked it into the fleshy part of his shoulder and administered the liquid pain medication.

Disposing the used neddle in the trash she layed a hand on his cold clammy cheek. He felt slightly more stable. Evelyn closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. He was alive. Newt was alive.

"Hey ..Evy?" Nick's voice was gentle, but it made her open her eyes.

Evelyn didn't realize she was crying. Hot salty tears were flowing down her cheeks and dripping onto Newt's cheek. Sniffing she backed up.

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