Chapter 23: I'm Yours

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Just before lunch there was a knock on the door. Evelyn looked up from stitching up the slicer on the bed.

"Come in."

"Is Newlyn decent?" The voice called.


There was a chuckle and the door slowly opened. Jeff stood at the shelf howling, Newt was trying very hard not to laugh. Steve the slicer snorted and laughed silently, slapping a hand over his mouth. Evelyn stuck the needle a little more aggressively into his skin, making him yelp.

Gally came in chuckling, "couldn't help it Eve. Sorry."

"No you aren't, don't shucken lie to me!"

He grinned sheepishly at her. She rolled her eyes.

"What can I do for you Gal?"

"I have that request ready."

"Oh awesome! Thanks Gal! Give me a second." She grinned brightly.

She quickly finished stitching Steve and shooed him out the door. She turned to Gally. He led her outside and showed her the crutches leaning on the side of the Hut. She grinned, placing a hand in his arm, "thank you Gal! It will be so helpful!"

He just nodded.

"Seriously. Thank you." She gave him a quick hug.

"Do you want me to stay? If ya need help?"

"Sure. You'd probably be able to keep him more stable than me!"

They brought the crutches inside, and into Newt's room. He was still copying her notes into the notebook. He looked up when the three of them walked in.

"Hey, Gally! How ya doin'?"

"Fine." He shrugged, "you?"

"Eve keeps me busy."

"I'm sure she does." He smirked

"Gally! The shuck!" She swatted him, Newt grinned back.

"She sure does!"


"Sorry Love." He stopped laughing, but still had a proud smirk on his face.

Her happy mood burst with these immature comments directed towards her  and implying everything and all things sexual. She lost her smile.

"Gally made you some crutches so you can get around now." She snapped.

"Oh!" He looked nervous. "That's great."

"Short outings, and we'll slowly increase them. But four weeks and it should be healed enough to get up." Jeff explained. "Eve will give your leg a quick look over, we will rewrap it and off ya go!"

"Sounds good."

Jeff and Gally left and Evelyn sat down without a word, and started undoing the knots of the cloth that kept the splint in place. She kept her head down and her fingers worked furiously. She felt the sting of frustrated tears.

"Eve?" Newt asked, his voice was quiet.

She shifted, "What Newt?" She asked, her voice was sharp.

"I'm sorry, Love."

Her hands stopped working on one of the knifes and looked up, glaring at him.

"Are you sure? 'Cause you said that this morning and then you say more Klunk. I don't like it Newt. No one says anything out any of the guys who are together. It's just all me. They left me alone before, but now...that's all they can joke about is me and my body and what you do to it."

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