Chapter 12: Final Human Trial

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Evelyn sat at the table with her hands wrapped around a warm mug of coffee. It had been a month since her and Newt kissed in the moonlit forest. The next morning he was polite and respectful, all around he had been a perfect gentleman.

But Evelyn knew something was off. She could see it in the way his body slumped when he thought no one was looking; or how his bright smile would slip when he looked away. He would never fully meet her eyes either. He had started to come around the MedHut again, but didn't stay long. They were both quiet, but it was now a slightly awkward, tense quiet. Neither of them brought up that one night.

So here she sat, surrounded by guys all chatting and laughing, but she never felt more lonely. A hand waved in front of her face. Snapping her out of her melancholy thoughts.

"Do you need a sprinkle of happy Pixy dust? 'Cause you look so forlorn little Pixy." Minho frowned at her.

She caught Newt turn his head slightly and look, he sat at the end of the table eating his own breakfast in silence.

"Yeah, Min. Just..." She trailed off for a moment and then sighed, "tired." She placed her elbows on the table and placed her head in her hands,  "the Builders all have the flu. And I just had to watch our sixth Glader succumb to that stupid Grief Serum!"

She finally let go of her head rather roughly and slammed her hands down on the table. Catching the eyes of Nick, Alby, Gally and Sonny. Angry, frustrated exhausted tears formed behind her king lashes.

"These stupid creators keep sending different coloured serums up, conveniently enough syringes for the amount of stung kids for the month. They plan it Min! I know they do! And they don't even know what they're doing! It's like trial and error. Except I have to watch the kid die in horrible ways. And they do nothing! And...I'm exhausted! Every Keeper has more than one guy for help! I'm keeping this shuck place on its feet on my own! So yeah Minho, if you have some happy fairy dust please share."

Once she let her words tumble out if her mouth, she felt guilty for explosion him, he didn't do anything. She swatted at her tears, she was frustrated with herself, when she was angry she cried, when she was tired she cried, when she was sad she cried, sometimes even when she was happy she cried.

Minho held up his hands in self defence.

"A feisty little Pixy this morning."

She ran a hand through her golden hair, it was very long now, being here almost 11 months now. Evelyn took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Min. That was uncalled for. I didn't mean to get mad. I'm just-"

"Tired. I get it. Sorry you gotta do all that klunk on your own."

"Thank you Min." She got up with a groan, "I should go." She laid a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, looking him in the eye, "Be Safe." She dropped her voice so only he could hear, "I need my best friend to come back."

"Always little Pixy." He smirked at her and patted her hand.

With her mug clutched in her hands she left the table.

"Have a good run Newt." She smiled politely.

"Thanks Lee." He nodded, the smile he gave didn't reach his eyes.

She turned with a heavy heart and went to the MedHut to start her day. She was kneeling in her garden pulling weeds, lost in her thoughts again. Today was greenie day. More supplies and another kid.  Another poor, lost and scared boy. Meaning another month stuck in these stone walls.

She pulled on a stubborn weed, it wouldn't budge. With a growl she pulled again, still wouldn't budge. With a frustrated cry she gave up and flopped back into the glass. The sun was warm on her face. She closed her eyes and tried to steady her breathing and heavy heart. A shadow passed over her and stopped. She peeked an eye open. Standing over her was the huge giant of a boy, the Bagger Keeper, Sonny.

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