Chapter 46: Banishment

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Evelyn stood at the open door, her back to the Glad, staring straight down the halls of the maze. Everything was numb. Everything hurt, but it wasn't a sharp pain anymore. It was a throbbing dull ache. She felt empty. The tears had stopped and she didn't bother wiping them away, they dried leaving tracks down her cheeks. She was so listless she didn't hear the footsteps behind her.

"Uhh Evelyn? Can I talk to you?"

She didn't move, her eyes still staring down the hall.

"He's all yours Thomas."

"No." He shook his head, "I told him I'm not gonna be the reason for this mess. I didn't know, and I am truly sorry. I said nothing was gonna happen until he fixed his mess. And even then, he's gotta figure out what's going on. A simple Sorry won't fix what happened. And I'm not sure what I can do. But I just hope...maybe we could at least get along?"

She finally turned to look at him. He stood straight, his hands shoved into his pockets. But he had turned to talk to her. His eyes were big and honest. His face was sad but open and earnest. Evelyn believed him.

"I'm not calling you Tommy."

"That's fair." He nodded, a shadow of a smile showed on his face.

"You did save my life in the maze. You owed me nothing, and yet you still took time to try to keep me safe. So... thank you; I won't forget that."

"I don't doubt you would have done the same."


"Soo..? We good?" He asked hopefully.

"It's going to take time, Thomas. When I see you it send a knife back into my heart-"


"I know you didn't know. I do. But that doesn't change the fact that the young man I loved for three years threw it all away for you, a few hours after he meet you."

Thomas hung his head.

"It'll take time. And I do appreciate that you stopped when you found out."

"I'm not that kind of guy." He shook his head.

Evelyn gave a sharp nod. And turned back to the maze halls. Waiting. Thomas stood beside her for a second and then hesitantly placed a hand on her should and patted it awkwardly. He then turned and walked away.

Evelyn stayed where she was. Waiting. Grinding her teeth and taking slow ragged breaths. Trying to keep her heart from beating out of chest and the stomach bile from creeping up. She heard another set of footsteps.


She insanely deflated and she wilted, her head hung and she dropped her arms to her sides.

"I figured." Was all Minho said and pulled her into a hug. He rubbed her back.

"What did he want? Did he finally apologize? Is everything gonna work out?"

She pulled away and turned back towards the maze, her arms around herself. And shook her head.

"No. I ended it. It's over. More than a year...and it's over in a few words." She said flatly. She had given so many tears she was out, the dull numb throb was back.

"Evy...I'm so sorry!"

He grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him. She shrugged, emotionless. Minho lifted her chin so she had to look at him. His eyes looked so...sad, his eyebrows furrowed together in concern. His hand slid from her chin to cup her cheek. Evelyn's eyes fluttered closed for a moment. Looking back up at him her eyes were blank. The spark of life that used to lit them up was dulled by pain and heart ache. The smile that always made the sun brighter was a flat line.

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