Chapter 55: Attacked

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Evelyn forgot to breathe, her brain was trying to process what Chuck just said.

"What?" She asked, blinking at the boy.

"The doors Mom! The doors aren't closing!" He repeated.

Evelyn finally looked at her watch, they should have closed 10 minutes ago. Evelyn cursed. Everyone rushed out of the hall towards the doors. Evelyn grabbed Chuck's hand and pulled him with her out the door. The crowd of Gladers were running around franticly, yelling over each other. Nothing was happening. Evelyn turned in a full circle looking at each wall. The sun should have set 15 minutes ago, but with the sun magically gone it didn't cross her mind. Now all four doors still stood wide open. Realization hit her hard in the chest.

"Newt!" She cried, "Nick! Guys!"

All the guys turned to her. She still clutched Chuck's hand tight. Each of their faces confused. She glanced at Teresa and Thomas and knew they understood what was happening.

"They are letting in Grievers!" Evelyn gasped. She felt a rush of adrenaline, fight or flight response kicked in.

"Bloody hell!" Newt stammered

"But ...Why?" Nick asked.

Alby's face had gone pale and sickly, pure terror in his face, "it's them!" He whispered.

Minho looked at him, his face masked with cold stone. He looked back at the group. "Who cares about why, we need a shuck plan!"

Everyone stood in a clump while the Gladers ran around them panicked. Evelyn and Thomas made eye contact. They nodded at each other, it was up to them, everyone else seemed stuck. Thomas turned to Chuck, who was still clinging to Evelyn like a life line.

Evelyn turned away from the group and towards the frantic group.

"Listen up!" She yelled.

Her usual gentle eyes and soft face were hard and cold. The Keepers packed behind her, some of the Gladers turned.

"I said slim it!" She yelled again, her voice roared over the noise.

It went silent. Every eye on her.

"The doors won't close. We know what that means. Grievers. That doesn't mean we sit down and give up. We will make a stand. We fight! These Creators don't scare us."

There was a murmur of agreement.

"Good. Now here's what we're going to do-"

Thomas jumped forward, "Chuck, I want you to go and start barricading the council room."

"Builders, Slippers! Go with him!" 

"Everyone else...find as much extra wood and scrap metal, anything we can find... we will baracade the doors-"

"And grease or oil!" Teresa added.

Thomas looked at her confused, but Evelyn smiled knowingly.


"Explosives, Thomas." Evelyn explained.

"Ahh yes, make Grievers go boom. Genius, SmartyPants." Minho looked at her with admiration and smirk.

Teresa smirked back, folding her arms.

"Okay, you know what to do! Go!"

Evelyyknelt in front of Chuck, holding him by the shoulders. She looked at him seriously.

"You be safe my Sweet Child! Listen to everything we tell you, alright? I know. It's scary, but we'll get through this okay? I'll come find you!"

Chuck wrapped his arms around her and she squeezed him back.

The Healerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें