Chapter 34: The Healer

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Minho collapsed into a heap, sobbing hysterically. Fear filling her so fast her head was spinning.

"Minho! Shuck! Min? Are you hurt?"

He just continued crying. Newt had finally scrambled out of bed, standing half asleep, blinking at them. Evelyn closed the door and knelt down in front of him. Sobs made his body shake and shiver.

She didn't see any physical immediate injuries so she just pulled him close. She wrapped her arms around the Runner and he laid his head on her shoulder. She rocked gently back and forth, rubbing his back.

Newt was finally functional, and he came to sit down beside his best friend, a frown on his face. The Runner shivered, his large muscular body covered in goosebumps. Newt pulled their blanket off the bed and draped it over his shoulders. They sat holding the Runner while he sobbed and hyperventilated. It was a long time, and his sobbing and crying hadn't stopped or slowed down.

Evelyn closed her eyes, concentrating hard. She hadn't been able to summon her powers since Nick's almost death. Though she did have a wild surge of her power and glowing hands last night. It made for a very interesting first time. Like when Newt kissed her for the first time, power surged and her hands glowed and heated up. It happened last night. Newt wasn't phased at all by it. Evelyn was self conscious about it, withdrawing her hands and held them tight to her chest, she was literally glowing last night. Newt had gently pulled her hands away, kissing her still hot and glowing hands, making her feel safe, accepted and loved.

She felt it flowing through her veins again. With her hand still rubbing Minho's back and the other one cupping the back of his head, his forehead pressed into her shoulder; she harnessed the power and let it flow through her and out of her, into Minho.

She didn't use a lot, but she gave him enough to help steady his breathing and ease the tension in his muscles. His shaking body and heart wrenching sobs slowed down, becoming hiccups and sniffles. His breathing was still shallow and ragged.

"Shhh. Min. You're all right now. We're here. You're safe right now. Shhh." Evelyn soothed.

She glanced at Newt who was looking at them with a frown and wide worried eyes. Newt flicked his eyes to Evelyn who was looking about the same, stared back at Newt completely confused.

They all sat on the ground in silence, Minho still huddled in Evelyn's arms. Minho's sniffling was quieter now. Newt placed a hand on Evelyn's back, and one on Minho's shoulder.

"Imma go make some tea. I'll be right back."

He got up and quietly slipped out the door.


He sniffed.

"Talk to me."

He took a ragged breath and shook his head, gripping her hoodie tighter. She tightened her grip.

"Okay, when you're ready." She said softly.

Newt came back a few minutes later with a tea pot and mugs from the MedHut next door.

"Thanks Love." Evelyn said quietly.

She gently but firmly pushed Minho's shoulders so he was sitting up. The blanket wrapped around his shoulders. Newt handed him some tea. Minho looked terrible, his eyes were wide and haunted. Jumping all over, like he was trying to find a way out.

Evelyn reached out and took hold of his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, sending another zap of her power. Minho closed his eyes and took another breath.


"I saw one. It chased me." He said flatly.

"Saw one...? One what?" Evelyn frowned. She looked at Newt, see if he understood. Clearly he did because his eyes went wide and his face went white as a ghost and he sucked in a sharp breath.

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