Chapter twenty four

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Elijah was back.

"Elijah! You're back. Did you find any..." I was stopped when I realised that Elijah was both shirtless and covered in tattooed names "...thing?" Both me and Hayley stared at him in confusion and Hayley asked " What is happening?"

"I need you to make a list of these names" Elijah commanded.

While we waited for Marcel, Hayley began examining the names tattooed across Elijah's shoulders, arms, back, and abdomen. She reads aloud "Sabine? Elijah, what is this?" He replied, "I believe they represent the names of the women Celeste inhabited for the past two centuries."

Marcel rejoins us and hands the paper and pen to Hayley

He had a clue about the situation "It's called a Devinette. It's old school. Kind of a riddle. Witches use them to teach their kids. Solve it, and it disappears." why don't I know about this? Why New Orleans witches are only crazy?

"Why? What's the point?" I asked because this ain't time to solve riddles. "Celeste forced me to make a choice between yourself and my siblings, and now she means to mock that choice, taunting me with a childish game. The longer the game, the more they suffer. To find Klaus and Rebekah, we need to solve this riddle. The solution lies somewhere in these names" Elijah stating the importance of the riddle. Marcel had an idea about the name of Elijah. "The name next to Sabine... Annie La Fleur is the witch who was shunned from her coven just over a year ago. Never knew why, but I can find out."

Elijah and Hayley were talking. I snatched the phone from her "Elijah, I'm really sorry that you're going through this. If I had known that Celeste made you choose who to help–" He stopped me. "You were going to die in that fire Scarlett along with my brother's child. There was no choice" He hung up before I could say anything more. 

I along with Hayley was researching a witch Celeste possessed in 1919 for the next stage of the plan to rescue the siblings. Later when Marcel and Elijah came back Marcel figured out the location of the siblings by looking at the picture of the witch. But his last sentence was spectical "If I'm right, you need to know exactly what we're walking into. We did something, Rebekah and I... I think the witches are trying to use it against her. It was, uh... something that you're not gonna like." What have they done? Marcel has just informed us that he and Rebekah had summoned Mikael to New Orleans in 1919. 

"For the better part of a century, I have wondered how Father found us, what foolish mistake we had made to destroy our time in the one place that we could finally call home. Did you know, I even blamed myself for a time, Marcellus?" Elijah was breaking from the inside.

"Niklaus treated you like a son," I said my eyes full of regret for not being there for Niklaus.

Marcel spoke up "Rebekah. I loved her. I still love her. All we ever wanted was to be together, but as long as Klaus was around, that was never gonna happen. But hey, I guess you wouldn't know anything about that, huh?" I looked at Marcel then Elijah. "When Klaus learns the truth, there will be no end to his rage" I spoke knowing what he could do "I will not let my sister suffer that wrath" Elijah had to save Rebekah. "Then we need to get to them before he learns the truth."

Hayley has vanished I don't know where but Elijah was back. With disabled Niklaus. "Elijah?"

Klaus lies in bed shirtless in his room. His eyes are closed, and he's gasping in pain from Papa Tunde's blade being embedded in his chest. Elijah watches him, clearly conflicted. "What do you need me to do?" I asked not able to see Niklaus in that state.

Elijah removes his jacket and rolls up his sleeve

"The blade is inside him and every second it remains causes Niklaus untold suffering" My eyes widen "Who stabbed him?" not wanting that answer from Elijah, "I did, and now I intend to remove it. You might want to take a step back. Out of all the people that could be here, you're probably the only one he wouldn't immediately slaughter" he uses a scalpel to slice into him along the red scar bisecting his chest, before jamming his fist into the open wound to grab the blade "Also, I know your bond with him. I can see you challenge him to see himself and others in a new light" my head lowered in shame that I let everyone down. Everyone expects so much from me and look what a mess our life is now.

𝑨𝑼𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑻𝑬, Klaus Mikealson ¹Where stories live. Discover now