Twenty Ninth Chapter.

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Ian shrunk even further. He's known Jordan for two years, and that was enough time to figure out that she did not like it when people raised their voice at her. It made her feel like a child, or rather inferior.

Despite her rage, Jordan spoke calmly. "Well, I'm sorry you're upset. Next time I won't go with you."

"That's not what I want. Are you that selfish that you can't just put your phone down for one second to spend time with your friends?"

Jordan laughed dryly, like she always does when she's offended. Then she shakes her head to rid her mind of the agitation. "I'm done with this conversation."

She wasn't even feeling hungry anymore. She decided to go home, if they were going to eat, it wouldn't be at a restaurant where the public could witness the tension between her and her friend.

"Just because you have a new girlfriend, doesn't mean you can be an asshole to your friends." Tate spat.

Jordan wasn't shocked because this was one of those rare occasions where Tate uses a cuss word. Rather it was the way the words were spoken, and the fact that such a tone was directed at her.

"When have I been an asshole to anyone?" she asks.

"Right now. Because I'm trying to tell you how I feel and you're just acting like I'm being stupid."

"Because you are being fucking stupid, Tatum."

"I'm not stupid for wanting a good friend."

She raised her eyebrows at the ludicrous statement. "So I'm not a good friend?"

"No, you're not. You're rude, and selfish and you want everything done your way to your liking."

"I'm fucking selfish for letting you live in my house? And sleep in my fucking bed for God knows how fucking long. I've been nothing but a good friend, and you don't even fucking give me credit for it."

"But you've also been ignoring me everyday, and ignoring my calls, it's like I don't even exist anymore."

"Jeez, Tate, sorry I have my own life to live."

"I'm not saying you shouldn't do what you want, but sometimes I need you and you're not there-"

"It's not my fault you're fucking depressed, Tatum! And you can't keep making it my responsibility."

Luckily for Jordan, the words caused Tate to go quiet like she wanted. Unluckily, those weren't the right words to do it.

She sighed out in agitation of her own self, running her hand down her face. Amidst the silence, Tatum's sniffs became coherent, a clear sign that she started crying. That was the only sound emitted inside the vehicle, until they parked outside their shared home.

Obviously, Jordan felt guilty. She wanted to take the words back, no matter how true they were. Because she made a promise to Tate and herself that she would make sure she was okay. She couldn't just abandon that promise, no matter how hard it was.

When she parked the car, Tatum took her seat belt off and opened the door.

"Tate." Jordan called. But the girl ignored her, getting out of the car and banging the door shut.

"I got her." Ian said, rushing out of the car to follow after her.

Not even ten seconds after he left, Jordan's phone rang, Bridgett's name flashing across the screen.

And to think that small, rectangular device was the cause of all this drama.

She picks it up, putting it against her ear. She released a heavy breath before responding with her most 'I'm okay' tone.

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