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Ellis woke up early on the Saturday morning and checked her phone. She felt bad for falling asleep on Lando but they were both pretty tired. Just then her phone rang. "Hey Ems, what's up?" It wasn't like Emily to phone so early, she was less of a morning person than Ellis. "Okay, don't freak out. It might be nothing but have you seen Twitter this morning?" Ellis sat up confused. "No, why? What's happened?" Panic started to rise in her chest. She quickly ended the call, and clicked into the app. There, all over her feed, was pictures of Lando in a club looking very cosy with a blond girl. She felt the tears prick her eyes as she threw her phone away.

Why hadn't he said he went out clubbing when then spoke last night? She felt hurt

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Why hadn't he said he went out clubbing when then spoke last night? She felt hurt. Was this how it would be each weekend, she would find him with another girl whilst she sat at home missing him.
At that moment, she knew what she needed to do. It wasn't going to work between them.


Lando woke up ready to be back in the car. He headed down to the hotel restaurant to grab some breakfast and noticed some other drivers were already eating. He ordered poached eggs on toast and sat down beside Charles and Pierre. "Good night last night?" Pierre said with a mouthful of food. "Yeah it was okay, I didn't love it" Lando said, thanking the waitress for his food. "That's not what the photos say!" Charles laughed. Lando grabbed his phone and opened Instagram then Twitter. The annoying blond from the club had posted pictures of them both. "Oh man, she was so annoying. It's wasn't like that at all". Then he thought about Ellis.

He quickly ate his breakfast before running back to his room. He dialled her number but it rang out. He then tried to FaceTime but she didn't answer. "Maybe she's at work" he thought. He didn't have time to worry about it, he needed to head to the circuit. After qualifying he checked his phone expecting Ellis to have messaged but still nothing. He told Oscar everything as they headed back to the hotel that evening. "She's definitely seen the pictures mate, don't worry. She'll come around". The most useless piece of advice he'd ever had!

Lando tried several times that evening and the morning to phone Ellis but she wasn't answering him at all. Eventually, he messaged her, hoping she would let him explain.

Ellis opened the message and quickly typed out a reply

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Ellis opened the message and quickly typed out a reply.

Lando grabbed his phone and read the message

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Lando grabbed his phone and read the message. "Fuck" he shouted, throwing his phone at the wall.

It was time to race but his head wasn't in the right place at all. The first few laps went by in a blur before he hit the curb, colliding with Pierre and knocking his car out of the race.

Could it be....Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now