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Ellis and Lando stepped out of Edinburgh airport late that afternoon and Ellis took a deep breath, filling her lungs with Scottish air. She was happy to be home and excited to show Lando her beautiful city. They climbed into a taxi and headed towards the city centre. Ellis watched out of the window, realising how much it had changed since she was last home. As the taxi neared their hotel, the butterflies soared in her stomach as Lando grabbed her hand. "I can't believe I've never been here before, its beautiful". Ellis beamed with pride as the taxi came to a stop. "We're here baby". Lando paid the driver and they climbed out of the taxi to stand in front of the hotel, hundreds of tourists milling around them.

Lando took Ellis' hand and they walked into reception together. "Good evening, how can I help?" the receptionist said with a smile. "Hello, we have a room booked under Norris, Lando Norris". Ellis smiled, still not believing she was here, back in her city, with Lando. The receptionist passed him the keycards and instructions to their room. A porter had already loaded their bags onto a trolley and left ahead of them.  When they got out of the elevator, Ellis noticed the sign on the bedroom door, Castle View Suite. She gave Lando's hand a squeeze, knowing she was about to see something very special and even though he had booked this room, he didn't know what was about to confront him. They walked into a small hallway that opened to a living area, with views over the city centre to Edinburgh Castle. Ellis went straight to the window and sighed contently. She soon felt Lando's arms around her waist as he stood behind her. "Wow, this is the most stunning view I've seen". As Ellis turned around, she grabbed his face with both hands and whispered to him "I know this is VERY soon but I think I love you Lando". "This is early Ellis, but I know I love you".

 "This is early Ellis, but I know I love you"

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A while later, there was a knock at the door. Lando let the gentleman in, he had brought their room service and was quietly lighting the fire behind them. Ellis could not stop smiling. Then she remembered in the excitement of the day, she had completely forgotten to message Emily. She picked up her phone and facetimed her best friend. After a few rings, Emily's face appeared on her phone, "Hey beautiful, are you okay?". "Yes, I'm amazing! Look where I am" Ellis replied before turning her camera to show Emily the view. "Wait, is that? OMG you're in Edinburgh Ellis!"

Ellis and Lando ate their dinner in a content silence before Ellis phoned Emily back to fill her in on everything that happened in the last 24 hours. When she eventually hung up the call, she turned to see Lando sound asleep on the bed. She quietly got ready for bed before turning off the lights and climbing into bed, whispering goodnight to him. She soon fell into a peaceful sleep.

Could it be....Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now