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Ellis fluttered her eyes open, not completely sure where she was. Then it all came back, the club, the man, Lando. Lando! Where was he? Still not fully awake, she felt the bed beside her but he wasn't there. As she turned over, the sun streaming in the windows gave her the answer. She could see his silhouette standing on the balcony. He was leaning against the railings, his curls loosely moving in the breeze, wearing only a pair of shorts.

Ellis got out of bed and pulled on Lando's hoodie, which was oversized on her and came half way down her thighs. He hadn't noticed her opening the door and she walked up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist, snuggling into his back. "Morning sweet pea" he said as he turned around, kissing her on the forehead. "How are you feeling this morning? Ellis looked up into his beautiful green eyes and smiled but didn't say a word.

"So...today we leave" Lando eventually broke the silence, not able to look her in the eyes. Ellis felt her heart break at the words. "I don't want to go home, I don't want to leave you" she replied hugging him closer. "Me either baby, this weekend has been special. What time is your flight?" He asked, hoping they had a little more time together. "Erm, we don't have to be at the airport until 6pm, what about you?" He pulled out his phone to check the email Charlotte had sent him, "we have to be there for 8:30pm" he said, "which means we still have a few hours together".

Ellis went back to her room to check in with Emily and pack her case. The two girls tidied the room in silence, both devastated their magical weekend was coming to an end. Emily was heading out to lunch with Oscar so Ellis headed back to Lando's room to spend the afternoon with him. When she knocked on the door, she could hear banging and swearing coming from inside, "Ah fuck, my toe!! Hold on, I'll just be a second." Ellis giggled hearing Lando swear to himself before footsteps neared the door. "Ellis, close your eyes before I open" he called. "Ready?" Ellis done as she was told and heard the door open. Lando stepped forward and took her by the hand, leading her into the room. "What's going on?" She asked him, stumbling over a shoe or something on the floor. "Ready? 1...2...3 open" he said finally.

Could it be....Lando Norrisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें