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The next morning, Lando woke up to hear Ellis singing in the shower. He lay back on the pillow, smiling to himself. She was cute. He pulled himself from the covers and walked to the bathroom door which was ajar. He stood watching her singing without a care in the world,
"Don't you worry, don't you worry child,
See heavens got a plan for you"
Ellis noticed Lando standing at the door as she turned off the shower, grabbing a towel from the heated rack and grinned at him. "How long have you been standing there?" "Oh not long, I was just enjoying the concert" he replied, winking at her.

They got breakfast delivered to their room and sat at the window, watching the people walking through the gardens below. "Babe", "Lando" they both started speaking at the same time and laughed. "You first" Lando said grabbing Ellis' hand. "Well, as much as I don't want to ruin the mood. I think we need to talk about what comes next? For us I mean". She dropped her chin, looking down at her food. She wasn't sure she wanted to know what was coming next.

Lando cleared his throat and put his fork down. "Well, I need to fly out to Italy tomorrow, then it's a busy spell. I have a triple header so will go straight from Italy to Monaco then Spain before I have a free weekend". He grabbed Ellis hand to get her to look at him "but that doesn't mean I can't see you. You could come to Monaco, I have an apartment there. Or you could come to Spain, bring Emily with you". They sat in silence for a bit before he spoke again, "Ellis, please say something. I meant what I said in Miami, I want this to work. Please".

Ellis excused herself and went to the bathroom, tears prickling the back of her eyes. How could this possibly work? She had fallen head over heels for Lando but she was so broken emotionally. She didn't think she could put herself through missing him every week. It had taken her so long to get over Jack and she promised herself she would never get connected to anyone again. She couldn't.

When she went back into the bedroom, Lando was getting ready to go to the gym and she had promised Emily she would meet her for a quick coffee before they headed back to the airport. Her and Lando didn't talk about the upcoming weeks, both wanting to savour their last moments in Edinburgh. Ellis walked through the busy mid morning shoppers and made her way to meet Emily. The girls hugged like they hadn't seen each other in years when they finally met up. "What's wrong El?" Emily asked. She could see the sadness in her friend's eyes.

Ellis told Emily about the conversation with Lando. "I don't know what to do Ems. I've really fallen for him but I know it's going to end with my heartbreaking again. I don't think I would survive it this time". Emily felt terrible, she knew the torture Ellis had been through and how long it had taken her to find herself again but she could see how happy Lando made her. "Why don't you give it a go. Don't make promises but don't cut him off. Does he know about Jack?" Ellis shook her head, she didn't want to burden him with her past.

The girls said their goodbyes and Ellis headed back to the hotel, they needed to leave for the airport soon. Lando greeted her with a huge smile, wrapping her in his arms around her "I missed you". Ellis laughed, hitting him gently on the arm, "I was only gone for an hour". But he was right, she missed him as well, even in that short time. They headed down to reception and checked out. "We hope you had a lovely stay Mr and Mrs Norris". Ellis' heart fluttered in her chest as Lando thanked them before heading out to the taxi.

As they took their seats on the plane, Ellis spoke quietly "baby, I can't make promises but I want to try and make this work. We can FaceTime and text this weekend and then we'll tackle next week when it comes". Lando wrapped his arm around Ellis' shoulder and she cuddled into him, "it sounds like a good plan sweet pea". 

Could it be....Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now