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Lando had tossed and turned all night. He looked at the picture Ellis sent and cursed himself. "He should have text her back. She could have been lying in his arms this morning". He got out of bed and into the shower. He pressed play on his music and let the water pour over his head.
"When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse"

He stood in the shower for at least 20 minutes, letting tears fall. The sadness was real and his anxiety was grasping at his chest. Eventually he got dressed and headed down to the lobby to meet Charlotte. He pulled his cap on and put his sunglasses on before heading out to the car.


Ellis rolled over in bed, it was time to get up. She had a terrible sleep but it was race day. She checked her phone again, desperately hoping Lando had text her. Nothing. Emily was giddy from her night with Oscar but she could tell something was up with Ellis. She decided not to push it, she would talk when she was ready.
The girls went for a run along the beach again and grabbed some lunch before getting ready to head to the track.

The buzz in the paddock club was palpable. Martin Garrix was doing a live set, there was people everywhere. They had already spotted David Beckham, Snoop Dogg, Serena and Venus Williams and Tom Cruise. This was it, the reason they had flown half way around the world; a formula 1 Grand Prix. Ellis couldn't get excited though, she was sad that her magical weekend was ending with Lando not speaking to her.

The stadium announcer alerted everyone that the drivers were starting the parade. The girls looked down onto the pit straight. 19 drivers in their cars, waving to the adoring crowds. Lando wasn't there! "Emily, he's not here" she said looking at her friend. Just then, Ellis felt someone grab her arm. She turned around and it was Charlotte. "Are you Ellis?" She asked. After Ellis nodded, Charlotte continued, "it's Lando. He needs you".

Without thinking, Ellis followed Charlotte inside then down some stairs behind a hidden door. Through a door at the bottom of the stairs, Ellis realised she was at the back of Lando's garage. "He's in there" Charlotte said, pointing to a door. Ellis tapped on the door "Lando, it's Ellis. Unlock the door". After a few seconds, she heard the door click and she let herself in. There on the floor infront of her, was Lando. And he was having a panic attack.

Could it be....Lando NorrisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora