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The next few days whizzed by for Ellis. She still felt off after her panic attack and the feeling of dread hadn't properly gone away. She finished work on the Monday afternoon and spent Tuesday getting her flat cleaned. She hated coming home from holiday to a messy flat so she always made a point of doing a deep clean before she left.

She met Emily at the airport, she had travelled down from Edinburgh on the red eye and was waiting at the terminal when Ellis got off the Heathrow Express. "Hey, I've missed you" Ellis said as she hugged Emily tight. They walked into the terminal full of excitement for the next five days ahead. Full weekend grandstand passes to the Miami GP!!!

Ellis made a mental note to send a thank you to Emily's dad for getting these tickets. He works for a massive global firm that had been gifted tickets but he wasn't interested in sport at all. The girls wandered around duty free before getting something to eat. The gate was called and they jumped up with excitement, "I can't believe we're on our way" Ellis said as she handed her boarding pass over. The girls got comfortable in their seats and smiled to each other one last time before take off.


Lando loaded all his cases into the car and climbed into the back seat with Charlotte, his PR manager. "Have you remember everything? Phone? Passport? FIA pass?" she asked him.
"Yes Mum" Lando said with a cheeky smile. They travelled to the airfield where Lando was meeting Oscar, Daniel and Carlos to fly to Miami.

Lando was excited for this race, the car was showing signs of improvement but he had that familiar feeling of dread looming over him since Monday. He managed his anxiety well but seeing that girl in the lane had reminded him how scary it can be. He thought about her as the private jet took off into the cool London sky. "I wonder if she is okay" he thought to himself.

Could it be....Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now