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The next day Ellis woke up with a smile on her face, remembering the previous night but when she rolled over, he wasn't there. Did she dream everything? No, it was real. She could smell his familiar aftershave on her covers, but where was he? She pulled herself out of bed and walked through to the living room but still no Lando. She went back to her room and picked up her phone, about to message him when she heard her front door close. As she got to the doorway, she was greeted by a very sweaty Lando, holding two coffees and some pastries. "Good morning beautiful" he said with a smile. "I couldn't sleep so I went back to mine and got some gym gear. I've been for a run and thought you might like breakfast". "Wait, what time is it?" Ellis finally mumbled, still not fully awake. "It's 10am baby. You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you". 

The pair had breakfast whilst Lando explained he was off this weekend but would be flying out to Spain on Wednesday for his next race. Ellis told him how she had pulled a sicky from work, although she knew her boss didn't believe her, he didn't question it. She had planned to chill in her flat and book her tickets to Edinburgh for the summer. "Why the summer? Couldn't you go this weekend if you have no work?" Lando asked. "And why Edinburgh?". Ellis looked at him laughing, "You do know I'm from there?". Lando looked a bit confused "Well yeah...actually no. I knew your accent wasn't from London but when I think of Scotland, I think of Braveheart or the guy from Austin Powers are you don't sound like that". He looked at the ground, embarrassed at what he just said, but now he thought of her talking, it kind of made sense.

"Well I am from Edinburgh, that's where I was born and lived most of my life. I moved down here to go to uni, hated it so I dropped out and then Emily got me the job at The Coffee House.  I didn't feel the need to go back so I've just settled here" she explained. "But I am planning to go back for a few days to see my family, and Emily of course". Lando smiled at Ellis "So why not now? I could come with you. I've travelled to a lot of countries with racing but I've never actually been to Scotland, Ireland or Wales". Ellis looked at him in disbelief, "I can't just go. My parents live in a small town outside of Edinburgh. I don't usually stay with them so I need to organise a hotel first". "So, lets do it then" Lando said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. Ellis laughed at him, "you're crazy Lando Norris. I'm going for a shower then we can decide what we want to do today". 

Once she had closed the door to the bathroom, he opened Booking.com and searched Edinburgh city centre. Loads of hotels popped up on his screen. He scrolled through them, some basic guest houses and dodgy looking hostels then a beautiful building appeared. He clicked into the page, and made up his mind, that's where they were going to stay. A few clicks later, it was booked. Next, how to get there. He messaged Charlotte, and within 10 minutes she had replied that the travel was confirmed. They would fly up to Edinburgh that afternoon and stay until Tuesday lunchtime. That would give him enough time to be back in London to fly out to Spain with the team on Wednesday. 

Ellis emerged from the steamy bathroom a short while later and caught Lando grinning at her. "Pack a bag for a few nights sweet pea, were going to Edinburgh this afternoon". Her face was a picture of confusion. "I'm serious, it's all booked. Were flying up this afternoon, courtesy of McLaren and I've booked a suite at somewhere called...." he checked his phone, "The Balmoral". He placed the phone back down on the table, very pleased with himself. Ellis wrapped her arms around his neck and squealed.  He was crazy and amazing and she couldn't believe this had now become part of her life. She ran to her room and pulled out a bag, frantically throwing clothes into it.

Once she had calmed down a little and made sure she had everything she needed, they drove to Lando's house to grab some things for him then headed to the airport. 

Could it be....Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now