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Lando and Ellis lay on the bed, her head on his chest, both breathing heavily. "Lando, that was..." Ellis said looking up to him. "Yes it was" Lando said smiling before Ellis could finish her sentence. "I would love to stay here all night but we better head to the club before they send out a search party" Lando said.

The pair got up and dressed, Ellis fixing her hair and makeup, before heading out the door. The club was only five minutes walk from the hotel and they walked hand in hand. Ellis' butterflies still soaring in her belly from earlier. "At last!!" Oscar said when they finally made it to the table. Lando introduced Ellis to everyone and she sat down beside Emily whist he went to grab them drinks. "Please tell me you were late for a very good reason" Emily said as she grabbed Ellis' arm. Ellis blushed and winked to Emily which was the only confirmation needed.

The rest of the night was spent with lots of laughs and dancing. Lando checked in lots with Ellis but she kept telling him to spend time with his friends. It was well after midnight and Lando had managed to get on the decks so everyone was on the dance floor. Ellis felt someone grab her bum whilst she was dancing but figured it was accidental because there was so many people dancing. Then it happened again. This time she turned around and in front of her was a very drunk guy with his friends.

"You like that?" He said, his eyes barely able to focus straight. "No I did not, do not touch me again" Ellis shouted back over the music. The man sneered at her then looked at his friends, "Did you hear that? She said touch me again" as he moved forward and grabbed Ellis' waste. With a surge of people on the dance floor, Emily had been pulled away from Ellis. She looked around desperately for someone she knew. Then she felt it, the tight chest was coming. She now knew the feeling to be a panic attack and she had to get out of there.

The music seemed to be getting quieter and her legs heavier as she pushed her way through the crowd. Finally, she reached the table and grabbed her bag. Ellis was aware people were talking to her but nothing was making sense, it was all muffled. She made her way to the door and threw it open. She stumbled on to the street and headed for the hotel. "Remember you're safe, remember you're safe. This feeling will pass" she told herself as the tears streamed down her cheeks.

The hotel was in sight as she felt someone grab her arm. Ellis thought the guy from the club had come after her and this was the end but when she turned around it was Lando. His face full of worry, "Ellis, what's happened baby?". When he saw the tears he pulled her in close and held her tightly. They stood like that silently for a few moments before Ellis looked up to him, "can we go home please?" she said, almost like a lost child. Back in the safety of Lando's room, he took off her shoes and placed Ellis on the bed. "What happened sweet pea?" He said softly as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind Ellis' ear.

After telling him everything and sobbing again, Ellis climbed up from the bed. "I feel horrible Lando, I need to wash". "Of course" Lando said taking Ellis' hand and leading her to the bathroom. "Will you take a shower with me?" Ellis said, almost pleading Lando with her eyes. Lando took his clothes off then undressed Ellis. They stepped under the hot water and Lando picked up some soap. He washed her all over whilst she stood in front of him. The tears, once again, falling from her eyes.

Lando gave Ellis one of his T-shirts and wrapped her in his arms. She eventually fell asleep, feeling safe at last. He text Oscar so Emily would know Ellis was safe and put his phone down on the beside table. He lay for hours, holding Ellis tight in his arms, not wanting this night to end. Tomorrow she would be leaving to go home and he would be heading back to Woking to prepare for the next race. Would he see her again? Would this end up to be another girl using him for the weekend? He wasn't ready to be left again.

Could it be....Lando NorrisKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat