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Lando had covered the balcony with pillows and blankets. He'd set up a little table with a picnic and flowers. "Oh my goodness Lando" Ellis said, tears filling her eyes. "This is.....perfect". Lando explained he had gotten up early to sort it all out, how Charlotte pulled it all together for him and how Emily nearly blew it all by not keeping Ellis in the room long enough. They both laughed as Ellis took off her shoes and got comfortable on a big pillow.

They ate the picnic, watching the sea sparkle in the sun. Lando told Ellis about how he had really started listening to music properly, like really hearing what the lyrics said and he understood what she explained to him a few nights before. They spent the next hour talking about songs, Ellis playing each one on her phone and sharing how they made her feel. Eventually, the two of them lay together, Ellis in her favourite place, lying on Lando's chest. The time was moving too fast and they wanted to make this afternoon last forever. "Baby, I know my race schedule is crazy busy but I don't want this just to be a one weekend thing" Lando spoke gently, stroking the side of Ellis' face.

Ellis sat up and looked into Lando's eyes, "I can wait for you, I can travel to you, I can be by your side, always Lando. We will make this work. You're back at home for a few days this week, we can come up with a plan, this isn't the end".

A short while later, the girls climbed into their taxi and waved goodbye to Lando and Oscar and with that, the end of the most magical weekend both had ever had. Ellis put her earbuds in and pressed play on her music. The tears streaming from her eyes as Lando disappeared from sight, not forever, but for now.
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable
But in the end, it's right
I hope you had the time of your life"

Could it be....Lando NorrisUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum