Do We Have To Go Home?

Start from the beginning

"Don't bother them." She scolded me with a cute frown.

"I am not." I was offended and pulled back my hand.

"Where is their mother? She didn't leave them alone here, did she?" I asked turning back to Jacob.

He shrugged his large wolf shoulders. He didn't know. There was a scent of an adult animal around, but it was faint. It wasn't here for days now.

"What if their mother never comes back?" Renesmee was still crouching at the hole.

"It has to come back or the cubs will starve." I told her.

"Maybe something happened to it." Ren mused. Jacob huffed behind us like he would say: We can't take them home.

"We don't want to. I think they are big enough to eat solid food. Should we bring some?" I reacted to Jacob's thoughts.

He shook his big head. We can't be late. I hated that excuse. Surely if we go home a day later it wouldn't be a big deal.

"We won't need to care for them much. Just one meal. Then they will get stronger and they can hunt for themselves." I reasoned further.

"Can we?" Renesmee hopped up.

Jacob was silent. He wasn't sure. Bella told us not to go too far.

"Mom said, don't go too deep into the jungle. The village should be fine." I reminded him of the exact words.

"Jake please." Renesmee begged. That melted the ice.

He huffed surrenderingly and turned to where the village was. We climbed at his back and he took us all the way to the border of the village. There he took the pink backpack from Ren and excused himself to shift back.

"Let's get over this." He walked out from the treeline.

"Shirt?" I asked him as he forgot to wear them again.

"It is unnecessary. I won't stay human for long." He shrugged it off casually.

"The locals will mistake you for a pedo." I warned him.

"Why do you know these kinds of words?" He asked me puzzled.

"I know a lot of things." I just smiled smugly.

"I am sad to hear it." He mumbled to himself.

The village was small but cozy. Single-story, light structured houses lined up after each other. There wasn't a square or any market place which I would expect. Rather the stores were on the main street in small houses or open boxes. With joined hands we walked next to Jacob. We purposefully didn't talk as it wasn't human like at our age just yet. Even without our unusual behaviors we gather some unwanted attention. Jacob at one point thought It must be because of him. He should have worn a shirt after all. Also I liked that he became self conscious, It wasn't his fault that the locals stared at us.

I glanced over them shortly. Their thoughts were messy and in Portuguese of course. I couldn't make sense of it all. Only one line stuck with me. Nascido do diabo. Diablo means devil. That is for sure. And they connected it with us. The toddler children. I squeezed Ren's hand tighter. Jake was right. The faster we finish our business here the better. We found the butcher and Jacob placed the order. The older man at the store glared at us but gave out what was asked for. I pulled both of my companions out by their hands.

We were barely out when a couple of children rushed away next to us. They were kicking an aged football. One of the boys caught a glimpse of Renesmee and her prettiness distracted him enough to fall. He hurt his knees quite badly. It was bleeding. I purposely stopped breathing to avoid any bloodlust.

"Are you okay?" Ren couldn't stop and asked him.

She went closer to help him up. The boy was dazed, like he saw an angel ascend. But my sister couldn't help him up. A bigger woman was at the boy's side in a moment and with one hand she dragged him up in a hurry while she almost hit Renesmee with a stick that she held in her other hand. With a bit more speed than a human could do my sister dodged it, stunned.

"Oy! OY! What the hell!" Jacob immediately blocked her way protectively.

"You brought the devils here!" A man from the street shouted. A pretty crowd started to gather. That didn't look good.

"You treat your children that way too?!" Jacob was furious. He didn't understand the reactions, but I did. They recognised us as the devil's children from their legends.

"They're not children!" Another woman shouted.

"Take them away!" Another one yelled.

"They just bring us death!" Rocks started to fly our way.

We stood at Jacob's shadow as he blocked every one of them with his body. Renesmee stared at me terrified. Why is this happening? I couldn't answer her. The crowd was more and more violent at every second. Jacob tried to lead as away from them as he could, but got surrounded. Without turning into a giant wolf or causing any serious damage to the people here, he couldn't do much.

"Jake. We have to run." I told quietly but he heard me just well even in this loud shouting and cursing.

He had to make a decision and he did. He quickly grabbed us and threw us in the air while his body shook and his giant wolf self exploded under us. The plan was good. We could land on his back and while the angry mob was wildly shocked we could escape. Unfortunately the execution didn't go as planned. In his phasing Jacob's body twisted in such an impossible way that the landing was almost unfeasible. Renesmee could land safely, but I hit his back in such an inconvenient way that I was hanging on his side almost upside down. Even if I could climb up he took off so fast that I only could concentrate on how to hold tight. The angry mob wasn't fazed for long to my disappointment. They jumped into Jake's way to block his escape. He did his best and ran in zigzag as he avoided them.

It was pure hell. Slowly but surely my hold slipped on his coat and on a bigger jump at the end of the village I evidently fell to the ground. I rolled on the grass and as I could take back control I peeked around. I was between the bushes next to the road. Jacob and Renesme were far away already. I suppose Jake ran so madly to reach safety that he got some tunnel vision and didn't notice that he lost a package. I didn't have the time to be upset as I heard our pursuers.

"Bring the guns! / Kill them!"

My blood turned cold immediately. These people are crazy. I jumped up quickly and started to dash at the direction where I assumed my family went. I ran as fast as I could. Loud shots echoed in between the trees. These men shoot blindly into the jungle? Do they want to kill us that badly? Why? I never felt that much fear in both of my lifes. What should I do? Where should I go? My panicked escape was distracted by a stranger. A hand grabbed me from my left and pulled me in with force. I screamed and kicked in my fear.

"Shhh. Shh. They will find us." A just as panicked and quiet voice tried to calm me. I recognised her and my fight stopped.

"Jennifer?" I looked up at her in surprise. Tears piled into my eyes. Then I turned to see who was holding me. It was a hybrid like ourselves, but not Nahuel. The girl had sandy brown hair and blue eyes. Her face was firm almot mother-like.

"Let's get back. It is not safe here." She told Jennifer and I let them carry me into the so-called safety.

My cliché life as Renesmee's twinWhere stories live. Discover now