She would be in a better mindset and ready to take on the world once again. It's just a part of life she needed to deal with. She developed this thanks to her anxiety and depression.

The sad girl arrived at a seafood restaurant around the corner from a huge beach she intended to spend the rest of her night there. Upon entering the restaurant she's greeted with the owner who offers her a welcoming smile. The girl bowed her head slightly, plastering a fake smile on her face. She shoved her hands into her jacket's pockets. She made her way inside, her smile dropping at the sight of her mother who ate crab legs. Maria glanced up, dropping the crab leg as her eyes landed on her only daughter. The only child she learned to despite and hate over time. She scoffs in annoyance seeing how pale she's gotten over time. Her eyes were swollen making her colored eyes more noticeable. She didn't fail to notice the dark circles underneath her eyes. Letting out a huge breath she grabbed a napkin wiping her hands.

"See, that's my down bitch, see that's my soldier

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"See, that's my down bitch, see that's my soldier. She keeps that thang-thang if anyone goes there."

Bada rubbed her face in frustration walking out of the dance studio. Her eyes glanced at her phone on her right hand. She dialed Leah's number allowing it to ring for a while until she's hit with her voice mail. She didn't have a ride plus her motorcycle at the moment is at the mechanic shop. The only reason she's able to go places is thanks to Tatter and Leah's car. Her first thought is to call Lusher or Tatter and see if they could pick her up. She hated taking ubers or taxis, feeling a bit unsafe with the drivers. "Bada Lee, right?" Upon hearing her name being called out she lifted her head. A small smile on her face as she turned around to face the one person she never thought to see again. Her smile faded as a breath of shock left her lips. Her brown eyes landing on the curly brunette girl who has caused nothing but harm to her girlfriend. She gulped, nodding her head in agreement. Yoon Ah brown eyes glanced at her phone seeing her wallpaper. Her right eye twitched at the sight of Leah smiling brightly while the taller girl kissed her cheek. Her small smile dropped for a second but she quickly fixed it. "Yes, I'm Bada. Can I help you with something?"

Yoon pushed a few hair stands behind her shoulder with a smile on her face. She took a step closer to the taller girl making her raise a brown in surprise. She's never had a conversation with her nor cared to know her. Not when she's caused so much suffering to Leah. She promised herself she would protect her from people like Yoon. "I'm curious to know why she isn't answering my messages?" Bada let out a small chuckle, tilting her head to the side. Her mouth fell slightly open in shock to her asking that question. She didn't understand why she was asking her out of all people? Yet, again the brunette girl refuses to meet up with Yoon Ah again. Plus with the whole trial going on about the physical and mental abuse the judge requested for them to stay as far away from each other as possible. The younger girl raised a brow as her lips turned upwards in amusement. She waited for an answer, wanting to know the situation. "If you're so curious why don't you ask her yourself." Bada stood tall fixing her posture. Her eyes hardened and became darker the longer she stared at the girl in front of her.

The Devils Temptation {Bada Lee}Where stories live. Discover now